Abortion rate in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1989

Abortion rate in the United States and Soviet Union in selected years between 1970 and 1989

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Release date



Russia, Ukraine, United States, CEE

Survey time period

1970 to 1988

Supplementary notes

Data for the U.S. includes legal abortions only. Data for the Soviet Union includes legal abortions and those that began in non-medical establishments but resulted in hospitalization.

* Data for the Soviet Union in 1987 may not include so-called "mini-abortions" (conducted by vacuum-aspiration). Data for 1988 and 1989 does include these, of which there were 1.46 million in 1988 from a total of 7.23 million total abortions.

** In real numbers, the number of abortions (in thousands) per year and country were as follows:
1975: US - 1,034.2, USSR - 7,135
1980: US - 1,553.9, USSR - 7,003
1985: US - 1,588.6, USSR - 7,034
1987: US - 1,559.1, USSR - 6,818
1988: US - 1,590.8, USSR - 7,229
1989: USSR - 6,974

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