Leading U.S. freight gateways by value of shipments 2020

Leading international freight gateways of the United States in 2020, by type and value of shipments

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United States

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Supplementary notes

The values are represented in current dollars.
All data: Trade levels reflect the mode of transportation as a shipment enters or exits a U.S. customs port. Flows through individual ports are based on reported data collected from U.S. trade documents. Low-value shipments (imports less than 1,250 U.S. dollar and exports less than 2,500 U.S. dollar) and intransit shipments are not included in trade data.
Air: Data for all air gateways are reported at the port level and include a low level (generally less than 2%-3% of the total value) of small user-fee airports located in the same region. Air gateways not identified by airport name (e.g., Chicago, IL, and others) include major airport(s) in that geographic area in addition to small regional airports. In addition, due to Bureau of Census confidentiality regulations, data for courier operations are included in the airport totals for JFK International Airport, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, and New Orleans.

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