Ad spending of the digital advertising industry in North America 2019-2028

Ad spending of the digital advertising market in North America from 2019 to 2028

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includes banners and video ads, advertising in search engines and social media networks, online classifieds; does not include e-mail marketing, audio ads, influencer marketing or sponsorships, products placement, commission-based affiliate systems

Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.Definition:
Digital Advertising refers to the practice of promoting products or services through online channels by purchasing ad placements with the aim of driving traffic, increasing brand awareness, and generating leads or sales using data-driven strategies. This form of advertising uses the internet and various technologies to target audiences based on their demographics, online behavior, and personal interests.

Digital Advertising uses the internet to deliver marketing messages to internet users in various forms. This includes digital video, search engine, social media, digital banner, digital audio, digital classifieds, connected TV, in-app, and influencer advertising.

Additional information:
The market comprises digital advertising spending, users, average revenue per user, advertising share by industry, advertising share by device, brand shares, and digital ad spending share (programmatic and non-programmatic). The market only displays B2B spending and users for the above-mentioned channels. Figures are based on digital advertising spending and exclude agency commissions, rebates, production costs, and taxes. Additional definitions for each market can be found on the respective pages. For more information on the data displayed, use the info button right next to the boxes.

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