Revenue of the analgesics industry in Russia 2018-2029

Revenue of the analgesics market in Russia from 2018 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Analgesics market comprises over-the-counter natural and synthetic non-opioid analgesics (only in approved low doses) like Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac and other pain-relieving preparations. Legislation on opioid analgesics differs from country to country. According to the respective state legislation, legal opioid analgesics are included. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, for instance, opioid analgesics are only included if they are not limited by the narcotics law and do not require prescription. Analgesics are included in the form of pills, capsules, gels and ointments. Not included are prescription medicines (e.g. morphine), anesthetics and homeopathic remedies. Among the top-selling painkillers are Voltaren, Aspirin, Thomapyrin, Ibuprofen, Dolormin, Paracetamol and ASS. It includes both products which are exclusively sold in pharmacies and products which can be purchased elsewhere. Sales by hospitals are not included.

Additional information:
The Analgesics market comprises revenues, average revenue per capita. Sales channels show online and offline revenue. Revenues include VAT. The market only displays B2C revenues, hence B2B and B2G revenues are not included.
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