Passenger car maker market share in Vietnam 2022

Market share of passenger car makers based on unit sales in Vietnam in 2022

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Outlooks are estimates

The Automotive Market provides information about passenger cars, including economy and family, sports and luxury cars as well as minivans and SUVs. It excludes motorcycles, buses, trucks and large vans as well as utility light utility vehicles. We based our market segmentation on several factors, including physical properties (mass, volume, footprint = (front track width + rear track width)/2 x wheelbase, etc.) and consumer base (pricing, status, etc.).

Background: The automotive industry has a long history of innovation in design, modernization in manufacturing and reimagining of marketing strategies. In the past decades it has grown into an essential economic segment of developed countries concerning market value, employment, research and development, manufacturing and trade. The automotive industry’s sales are closely connected to economic stability and dramatic fluctuations, like the financial crisis of the late 2000s, force manufactures to reexamine their strategies and adapt to new market trends. Two additional factors, that are currently driving changes in the industry, are environmental concerns - influencing research into alternative fuel types, as well as digitization – pushing research efforts in the development of connected and autonomous cars.

All figures are estimate. A detailed methodologycan be found in the Statista Market Outlook.

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