Penetration rate of robo-advisors in Japan 2019-2028

Penetration rate of the robo-advisors market in Japan from 2019 to 2028

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


A Robo-Advisors is a type of financial advisor that uses computer algorithms to provide automated investment advice and manage portfolios for clients. These online platforms use complex mathematical models and historical data to analyze market trends and make investment recommendations based on the client's risk tolerance and investment goals. Robo-advisors typically offer a variety of investment options, such as index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Unlike traditional human financial advisors, robo-advisors operates around the clock, and often have lower fees. The advantage of these services lies in the passive role of the investor, who may not want or cannot afford ongoing personal monitoring of their portfolio development.

Additional Information:

Keyplayers in this market are Wealthfront, Schwab Intelligent Portfolios and Betterment.

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