Number of residential real estate leases in the Baltics 2017-2029, by segment

Number of residential real estate leases in the Baltics from 2017 to 2029, by segment

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The residential real estate market covers the leases and transactions of residential properties. Residential real estate leases refer to the market where landlords and tenants enter into agreements for the rental of residential properties, such as apartments, houses, and condominiums, while residential real can be defined as buying, selling, or transfer of ownership of residential properties.


The residential real estate market covers real estate transactions and leases, and the section, residential real estate leases, is divided into apartment and house leases.

Additional information:

The market contains the following KPIs: real estate value aggregated for all countries and regions, average real estate value, real estate transaction revenue, number of real estate sold, number of leased and owned real estate, average room per resident, and dwelling type shares. The dwelling type shares comprise the share of the population that lives in houses and apartments. These shares are displayed for real estate owners and for real estate renters as well.

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