Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in North America
- Wheelchair market by type in developed countries 2011 and 2018
- Major reasons for using a wheelchair 2013
- Value of North American sterilization equipment market 2007-2021, by country
- Revenue in the healthcare IoT market in North America 2018-2029
- American countries with the highest COVID-19 death toll 2020
- Deaths caused by chronic diseases in the Americas 2018
- Most common symptoms among ulcerative colitis patients worldwide in 2019
- Most common Crohn's disease symptoms among Crohn's patients worldwide as of 2019
- Projected IBD population in select countries in NA and Europe in 2010, 2020, and 2030
- Severity of common symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease worldwide 2019
- Forecasted prevalence of COPD in select countries in the Americas in 2050
- Forecasted number of COPD patients in select countries in the Americas in 2050
- Deaths from select neglected tropical diseases in the Americas in 2014
- Number of HIV-infected people in North America
- Age specific incidence of dementia in United States 2015
- Population at risk of contracting neglected tropical diseases in the Americas in 2014
- Countries in the Americas affected by select neglected tropical diseases in 2014
- Cases of select neglected tropical diseases in the Americas in 2014
- Common sources of health information for millennials in the U.S. 2018
- Awareness about health personal among U.S. millennials from 2016 to 2018
- Satisfaction with quality of health care system among U.S. millennials 2013-2018
- Healthcare organizations personalized medicine primary focus 2016 vs. 2018
- Cosmetic surgeries: most common treatments
- Healthcare professionals about their organization's focus 2016 vs. 2021
- Health insurance status among millennials in the U.S. 2013-2018
- Health insurance status among millennials in the U.S. 2016, by ethnicity
- Health care actions by millennials last year in the U.S. 2018
- Share of doctors who would choose to become a doctor again U.S. 2011-2021
- U.S. physicians: work-life balance according to work schedule 2021
- Share of U.S. doctors by depersonalization level 2021
- Number of oncologists per one million people by select country 2018
- Prevalence of burnout among physicians in the U.S. 2011-2021
- Hospitals with centralized Materialise 3D printing facilities worldwide 2019
- North American disposable hospital supplies revenue 2007-2021, by country
- Hospitals with Materialise 3D printing facilities in the US 2010-2019
- Hip and knee reconstruction market value in North America 2015 and 2022
- Top marijuana companies based on market capitalization 2025
- Grifols immunoglobulin monthly market share in the U.S. 2016-2017
- North American market of innovative products for disabled persons 2010
- Small animal imaging market worldwide by device 2013
- Pharmaceutical sector expenditure forecast worldwide by country 2060
- North America's market size for animal feed additives 2024-2029
- Pharmaceutical expenditure forecast worldwide by country 2030
- Pharmaceutical sector expenditures worldwide forecast by country 2017
- Major areas where pharmaceutical companies will look to make acquisitions 2015
- Hyperimmunes market share in U.S. by company 2016
- Largest M&A deals in cannabis industry in North America 2021
- Number of cannabis M&As North America 2020-2021
- Major advantages of personalized medicine according to pharma companies 2015
- Major drivers for personalized medicine according to pharma companies 2015
- LabCorp revenues 2013-2023
- LabCorp number of employees 2014-2023
- LabCorp operating income 2013-2023
- LabCorp net earnings 2013-2023
- LabCorp basic earnings per common share 2013-2023
- LabCorp total assets 2013-2023
- LabCorp revenue 2021-2023, by operation
- Global wheelchair market volume by region 2010 and 2018
- Major obstacles for personalized medicine according to pharma companies 2015
- Value of the electric wheelchair market in North America 2016-2027
- North American cardiac arrhythmia monitoring devices market share by country 2017
- Value of North American syringes and needles market 2007-2021, by country
- Market distribution of cardiac arrhythmia monitors globally 2018, by region
- U.S. cardiac arrhythmia monitoring devices market change 2016-2026
- North American market share of cardiac arrhythmia devices 2017 vs. 2026, by type
- Market distribution of cardiac arrhythmia monitors globally 2016 vs.2026, by end user
- Market revenue from cardiac arrhythmia monitors for clinics 2016-2026
- Projected market growth of cardiac event recorders globally 2016-2026
- Share of healthcare organizations ready for personal medicine programs 2016
- Femtech companies in North America in 2022 by subsector
- Projected medical carts market size in North America 2027
- Value of the North American patient examination devices market 2007-2021, by country
- Value of cardiac rhythm management devices market in North America 2007-2021
- Number of North American cardiovascular surgeries 2007-2021
- Extent of use of 3D printing in radiology in North America in 2020
- Dental devices market revenue in North America 2016-2028
- Top companies in North American PERS industry by number of customers 2014
- Body contouring market value in North America 2015 and 2022
- Likelihood U.S employees would use employer mental health services 2017-2019, by type
- Student mental health concerns after the pandemic in North America 2023
- Struggles of students taking online courses in North America 2023
- U.S. adults ever told they had a mental health condition 2016-2018, by generation
- Main reasons students seek more mental health counseling in North America 2023
- Express Scripts' total assets 2006-2017
- Value of North American mobility aids and transportation device market 2007-2021
- North American companion animal health market size from 2014 to 2026, by product
- North American companion animal health market size from 2014 to 2026
- North American veterinary services market size from 2014 to 2025
- Animal health market size in North America, by product from 2014 to 2025
- Revenue of segments of the OTC pharmaceuticals market in North America 2023
- Oncology or orphan drug share in approved new active substances 2015-2022
- North American botanical and plant-derived drugs market size 2016-2026
- Canadian vs US price difference of select oral solid opioids 2017
- Express Scripts' net income 2006-2017
- Express Scripts' EBITDA 2006-2017
- Express Scripts' revenue 2006-2017
- Vaccination coverage Americas vs globally 2022, by vaccine type
- Stress causing loss of productivity in employees in North America 2014
- Employee attendance due to stress in employees in North America 2014
- Low back pain prevalence forecasts in high-income North America in 2030, 2040, 2050