
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (SGT)

Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm (JST)

Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)

Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)
Discover data on your market
Our Market Insights cover a broad range of topics, from consumer goods to technology to automobiles. We provide you with an easy-to-use yet thorough look into the future of every industry, featuring detailed forecasts for up to 5 years. To do so, we cover 1,000+ markets, including KPIs such as revenue, users, and market shares across 190+ geographical entities.
Revenue and growth data for each market are easily accessible and show a forecast for the upcoming 5 years and historic data as far back as 10 years.
Get a better understanding of the market and its products by analyzing the relationship between volume, prices, and resulting revenues.
A rough estimation of the competitive landscape in the market can be seen when comparing the total revenue and the split among the key players. Get to know the most important brands and makes.
Access well-visualized data, in- and out-of-scope descriptions, and a comprehensive methodology for a better understanding. Downloads are available in various formats, incl. PNG, PPTX, and XLSX.
Our Market Insights cover 1,000+ markets in 190+ countries and regions and provide you with comparable data, allowing for a truly global view of highly relevant markets.
We offer ready-made slides and editable diagrams – convenient and quickly accessible for you. You can also use our data as input for your own project and download an XLSX file for full flexibility.
Our experts will be happy to help you with comprehensive questions about the data sets. All questions are usually answered within 48 hours by market-specific experts.
Standard market updates are done biannually, more often when market changing events such as COVID-19 take place. The most recent update is transparently shown.
Our sales team helps you find your way around our platform: where to find information, how to access it, and how to make sense of all the data. We also offer exclusive webinars on specific topics.
You can easily compare the data on several of our 190+ countries and regions within each of our 1,000+ markets.
Our comprehensive Market Insights methodology elaborates on our sources, modeling approaches, and forecasting methods so that you will be able to better understand and use our data.
Get full access and gain a competitive edge with our Insights
Get up-to-speed, fast. Our whitepaper is packed with the latest insights on the global AI market, standout trends, and success stories from leading players to outpace your competition.
Download nowMon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (SGT)
Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm (JST)
Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)