Metaverse Live Entertainment - China

  • China
  • In 2025, the projected value in the Metaverse Live Entertainment market is estimated to reach US$34.0m.
  • It is expected to exhibit an annual growth rate of 11.28% from 2025 to 2030, resulting in a projected market volume of US$58.0m by 2030.
  • The United States accounts for the majority of the value in the market, with a projected market volume of US$96.4m in 2025.
  • By 2030, the number of users in the Metaverse Live Entertainment market is expected to reach 0.7m users.
  • The user penetration rate is projected to be 0.0% in 2025 and is expected to increase to 0.1% by 2030.
  • The average value per user (ARPU) is estimated to be US$68.9.
  • It is worth noting that these projections are specific to the Metaverse Live Entertainment market.
  • Additionally, it is important to mention that these figures pertain to the country of China.
  • China's Metaverse Live Entertainment market is booming, with virtual concerts and interactive experiences attracting millions of tech-savvy consumers.
Region comparison

Analyst Opinion

The Metaverse Live Entertainment market in China is experiencing significant growth and development.

Customer preferences:
Chinese consumers have shown a strong interest in immersive and interactive entertainment experiences, making the Metaverse Live Entertainment market a perfect fit for their preferences. They are seeking out new and innovative ways to engage with entertainment content, and the Metaverse provides a unique opportunity to do so. Additionally, Chinese consumers are increasingly tech-savvy and open to embracing new technologies, which further fuels the demand for Metaverse Live Entertainment experiences.

Trends in the market:
One of the key trends in the Metaverse Live Entertainment market in China is the integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. This allows users to fully immerse themselves in virtual worlds and interact with digital content in real-time. Chinese companies are investing heavily in developing Metaverse platforms and creating captivating experiences that cater to the preferences of local consumers. These platforms often incorporate elements of gaming, social networking, and live performances, creating a multi-dimensional entertainment experience. Another trend in the market is the collaboration between Metaverse platforms and popular celebrities or influencers. By partnering with well-known figures, these platforms can attract a larger audience and generate more excitement around their offerings. Chinese consumers are highly influenced by the opinions and actions of celebrities, and their involvement in the Metaverse Live Entertainment market helps to drive adoption and engagement.

Local special circumstances:
China has a massive population and a growing middle class with increasing disposable income. This provides a large and lucrative market for Metaverse Live Entertainment companies to tap into. Additionally, the Chinese government has been supportive of the development of the digital economy, including the Metaverse industry. This support has created a favorable regulatory environment for companies operating in this space, allowing them to innovate and grow with fewer obstacles.

Underlying macroeconomic factors:
China's rapid technological advancements, particularly in areas such as 5G infrastructure and artificial intelligence, have laid a strong foundation for the growth of the Metaverse Live Entertainment market. These technologies enable seamless connectivity, real-time interactions, and high-quality graphics, all of which are crucial for delivering immersive Metaverse experiences. Furthermore, the increasing digitalization of various industries in China has created a demand for virtual events and experiences, further driving the growth of the Metaverse Live Entertainment market. In conclusion, the Metaverse Live Entertainment market in China is experiencing significant growth due to customer preferences for immersive and interactive entertainment, the integration of VR and AR technologies, collaborations with celebrities, a large and supportive market, and underlying macroeconomic factors such as technological advancements and digitalization. This market is poised for further expansion as Chinese consumers continue to embrace new forms of entertainment and the Metaverse industry continues to innovate.


Data coverage:

Figures are based on in-app spending, consumer spending, app downloads, and investment and funding data.

Modeling approach / Market size:

Market sizes are determined by a top-down approach, based on a specific rationale for each market market. As a basis for evaluating markets, we use reports, third-party studies, and research companies. Next we use relevant key market indicators and data from country-specific associations such as GDP, consumer spending, and internet penetration rates. This data helps us to estimate the market size for each country individually.


In our forecasts, we apply diverse forecasting techniques. The selection of forecasting techniques is based on the behavior of the particular market. For example, the S-curve function and exponential trend smoothing are well suited to forecast digital products and services due to the non-linear growth of technology adoption. The main drivers are consumer spending per capita, level of digitalization, and cloud revenues.

Additional Notes:

The market is updated twice per year in case market dynamics change. Consumer Insights data is unbiased for representativeness.


  • Market Size
  • Analyst Opinion
  • Reach
  • Global Comparison
  • Methodology
  • Key Market Indicators
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