Share of population concerned about climate change impacts Australia 2024, by impact
In a survey conducted in 2024 about the Australian public's view on climate change, 79 percent of respondents claimed that they were concerned about more droughts and flooding affecting crop production and food supply. Additionally, 78 percent of respondents stated that they were concerned about more bushfires in the country.
Consequences of global warming in Australia
The consequences of climate change have already affected many regions on a global scale, but Australia is experiencing especially adverse impacts. As the driest inhabited continent on earth, climate change increases the risk of extremely high temperatures, droughts, and bushfires every year. The highest temperatures recorded in Australia as of 2022 exceeded 50 degrees Celsius in many locations in the country. This leads to significant impacts on not only wildlife and flora but also on livelihoods in Australia. The estimated change in GDP from unmitigated climate change was forecast to have negative economic ramifications for Australia.
Public view on climate change
Due to the tangible impacts of global climate change, it is not surprising that the majority of the public perceives global warming in Australia as a pressing and serious problem, which has to be addressed sooner rather than later. Around 50 percent of Australians stated that the Australian government’s actions on climate change are not sufficient against the impact global warming has on the country. Still highly dependent on fossil fuels, the energy sector is the biggest greenhouse gas emitter in Australia. Almost half of the Australian public claimed that climate adaptation funding should be paid by fossil fuel producers. This would also lessen the burden for taxpayers on the funding of climate change adaptation.