Entrepreneurship framework conditions in Morocco 2020, by indicator

Entrepreneurship framework conditions in Morocco in 2020, by indicator

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Release date

May 2021



Survey time period


Number of respondents

140,000 adults*

Age group


Special properties

face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, online surveys

Method of interview


Supplementary notes

* The source expresses this as an approximate figure, comprising respondents in the APS and NES surveys (see below).

Respondents are selected across 46 economies. At least 36 national experts are carefully selected in the NES survey to rate the adequacy of the framework conditions.

Entrepreneurship framework conditions (EFCs) scale:
0 = very inadequate insufficient status.
10 = very adequate sufficient status.

The source explains: "The GEM is made of two surveys:

  1. The Adult Population Survey (APS): enquires about the attitudes and activities of a random sample.
    Uses the same questions in each economy to find out whether that adult is involved in starting or running a new or established business, and about individual attitudes and perceptions of entrepreneurship, alongside demographics such as age, gender and education.
  2. The National Expert Survey (NES): focuses on the entrepreneurial context that influences an individual decision to start a new business, and subsequent decisions to sustain and grow that business, that are taken in a specific context represented by place."
The source adds: "The GEM approach to assessing this national environment for entrepreneurship is through expert evaluation of nine Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions. They range from the ease of access to finance to social support for entrepreneurship, and from the adequacy of entrepreneurial education to the availability and cost of essential business services. These Framework Conditions are each assessed in the NES by a group of identified national experts in a much more targeted manner than for the APS. For the GEM research cycle in 2020, the NES included new questions on how adequately entrepreneurs in general — and governments in particular — have responded to the economic challenges and opportunities of the pandemic".

The NES includes the following statements which are based on a Likert scale - completely untrue (0) to completely true (10):
  1. "Access to entrepreneurial finance: Sufficient funds are available to new startups, from informal investment and bank loans to government grants and venture capital.
    • Government policies: support and relevance: Government policies promote entrepreneurship and support those starting a new business venture.
    • Government policies: taxes and bureaucracy: Business taxes and fees are affordable for the new enterprise. Rules and regulations are easy to manage, without undue burden on the new business.
  2. Government Entrepreneurship Programs: Quality support programs are available to the new entrepreneur at local, regional and national levels.
    • Entrepreneurial education at school: Schools are introducing ideas of entrepreneurship and instilling students with entrepreneurial values such as enquiry, opportunity recognition and creativity.
    • Entrepreneurial education at post school stage: Colleges, universities and business schools offer effective courses in entrepreneurial subjects, alongside practical training in how to start a business.
  3. Research & development transfer: Research findings, including from universities and research centres, can readily be translated into commercial ventures.
  4. Commercial and professional infrastructure: There are sufficient affordable professional services such as lawyers and accountants to support the new venture, within a framework of property rights.
    • Ease of entry: market dynamics: There are free, open and growing markets where no large businesses control entry or prices.
    • Ease of entry: market burdens or regulation: Regulations facilitate, rather than restrict, entry.
  5. Physical infrastructure: Physical infrastructure (such as roads), Internet access and speed, the cost and availability of physical spaces, is adequate and accessible to entrepreneurs.
  6. Social and cultural norms: National culture encourages and celebrates entrepreneurship, including through the provision of role models and mentors, as well as social support for risk-taking."

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