Daily media activities of Gen Z in the U.S. 2023
Gen Z's media consumption habits in the United States reveal a strong preference for digital and on-demand content. A 2023 survey found that nearly half of Gen Z respondents watch video streaming services daily, with 43 percent streaming music and 39 percent playing video games. Digital platforms are undeniably at the core of younger audiences’ media diet.
Online media consumption leads to higher ad acceptance
The prevalence of streaming services in Gen Z's daily routine is complimented by their receptiveness to advertisements on these platforms. Approximately 47 percent of Gen Z adults reported being open to ads on streaming TV – a result significantly higher than that for ads on traditional cable and broadcast TV. This trend aligns with the finding that 88 percent of Gen Z consumers engage with ad-supported video streaming services, indicating a willingness to trade ad exposure for content access.
Multiplatform engagement and customization
Gen Z's media consumption extends beyond passive viewing, with a focus on personalization and multiplatform engagement. The average Gen Z consumer uses over six video streaming platforms to access TV shows and movies, demonstrating a diverse content appetite across a number of streaming services. Additionally, 92 percent prefer watching content on smartphones, highlighting the popularity of on-the-go video viewing behavior. Gen Z also shows a higher propensity for using subtitles or closed captions when watching shows or movies compared to older generations, which indicates a need for customizable tools to enhance the viewing experiences.