Share of young people with reading difficulties in French overseas regions 2023

Proportion of young people with reading difficulties in French overseas regions in 2023

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Release date




Survey time period


Number of respondents


Age group

16-25 years

Supplementary notes

* The source adds the following information: "During the year 2022, more than 750,000 young men and women aged 16 to 25, of French nationality, took part in a reading assessment as part of the Defense and Citizenship Day (formerly the Defense Preparation Day). The reading assessments are conducted in a way that improves the standardization of procedures and significantly reduces logistical constraints. The young people have to answer, thanks to an electronic box, to questions that scroll on a large screen. Their answers, and in some cases their reaction times, are recorded. A new reading test was introduced in September 2019.
The automatic reading test asks young people to judge as quickly as possible the homophony between a word and a pseudo-word (item that can be pronounced but has no meaning). To do this, the reader must recognize the word (possibly globally), decode the pseudoword and judge the similarity of the pronunciation of the two. The twenty word/pseudoword pairs are each displayed for five seconds on the screen and the young people must respond as quickly as possible. The response time is the preferred indicator, rather than the very high performance (99% of the young people succeeded in more than half of the twenty items proposed). The measure used is the average time observed for successful items.
For the lexical knowledge test, a list of words and pseudo-words, created for the purposes of the evaluation, is proposed. The words appear on the screen and are read orally, which avoids confusing oral language knowledge with word reading. The indicator used is the number of real words recognized among the twenty real words in the list.
Two complex processing tests are also proposed. The first one asks the students to take information from a double page of newspaper. The second one asks them to understand a relatively short narrative text. The score is the total number of correct answers to the twenty questions.
For each of these three dimensions, a threshold of mastery was set: below a certain level, the young people were considered to have difficulties with the skill in question (-), above that level, the skill was considered to be mastered (+). From the combination of results, eight reader profiles were determined".

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