Share of K-12 school shootings U.S. 2009-2019, by location and situation
From school years 2009-10 to 2018-19, K-12 school shootings which occurred outside of the school building were most likely to be a dispute or grievance related in the United States, at 43 percent. A dispute or grievance between the victim and the shooter may include situations such as an escalation of an argument or retaliation for bullying. In comparison, 31 percent of school shootings which occurred inside the school building were accidental while 28 percent were school-targeted, meaning the shooting was generally targeted towards school staff or students on school premises, but without a specific victim.
The source defines a school shooting as 'any time a gun is fired on school grounds, on a school bus, or during a school event - during school hours or a school event or immediately before or after school hours or school event - including all incidents that meet the criteria above, including accidents and suicides, regardless of intent.'