Aaron O'Neill
Research lead for society, economy, and politics: Europe & global
Get in touch with us nowIn 2022, 36.43 percent of the workforce in Pakistan worked in the agricultural sector, about a quarter worked in industry, and 38.05 percent in the services sector.
The primary sector
The most common breakdown of a country’s economy is into three sectors; the primary sector, which includes agriculture, raw materials, fishing, and hunting, the secondary sector, which is also called the industrial sector and includes manufacturing, and the tertiary sector, which encompasses intangible goods and services, like financial services, tourism, or telecommunications. Usually, an advanced economy focuses on the services sector, while in a developing economy, the primary sector is still prevalent. In Pakistan, agriculture plays an important role in trade and production, and most Pakistanis are employed in the agricultural sector – however, the services sector generates the lion’s share of GDP
Is Pakistan on the verge of being a developed country?
Typically, a developed country shifts GDP generation and employment to intangible goods, which also often means that its citizens move to the city, away from rural areas. In Pakistan, urbanization progresses slowly, and most inhabitants live in rural areas. One reason for this is Pakistan’s vast arable land area, which allows for the production and export of raw materials. To be a developed country, Pakistan still needs to put in some work and improve the standard of living and infrastructure, among other factors.
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1 All prices do not include sales tax. The account requires an annual contract and will renew after one year to the regular list price.
National finances
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* For commercial use only
Basic Account
Starter Account
Professional Account
1 All prices do not include sales tax. The account requires an annual contract and will renew after one year to the regular list price.