Population of women aged 15-49 in the U.S. and worldwide in 2013 and 2025
Global demographics
Most recent estimates place the total global population at approximately 7.7 billion people. In mid-2018 the continent with the largest proportion of the global population was Asia, followed by Africa. While North America and Oceania were some of the least populated areas of the world. The age distribution of the population varies by region as well. For example, the percentage of the global population between the ages of 15 and 64 years varies between 56 percent and 68 percent.
Women’s health worldwide
Women face different health challenges depending on the region and country. One important global health issue is maternal mortality. The country with the highest maternal mortality rate in 2015 was Sierra Leone. The country with the highest estimated birth rate between 2015 and 2020 is expected to be Niger, which is also among the countries with the highest maternal mortality rate. Among developed nations, the United States had the highest maternal mortality rate in 2015.