Sales share of cars in Norway by fuel type 2023
In 2023, over 82 percent of cars sold in Norway were fully electric. Cars using conventional fuel types such as diesel or gasoline declined in sales in 2023. Norway has the highest share of electric vehicles compared to other European countries.
Green ambitions
The increased popularity of electric vehicles in Norway is spurred by several political incentives that have led the way for the rise in sales. Electric car owners are granted different subsidies when purchasing an electric car. These incentives are further supported by a political aim to have zero emissions from sold passenger cars as of 2025.
A nation of renewable energy
Despite its abundant crude oil, Norway has a long tradition of using renewable energy sources. In 2022, the entire electricity production in the country was derived from sustainable sources, with 88.2 percent stemming from hydro energy. Norway's renewable energy capacity amounted to nearly 40,200 megawatts a year later, in 2023.