Leading health problems worldwide 2024
A survey of people from 31 different countries around the world found that mental health was the biggest health problem respondents said was facing their country in 2024. Other health problems reported by respondents included cancer, stress, and obesity.
The COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted almost every country in the world and was the biggest global health crisis in recent history. It resulted in hundreds of millions of cases and millions of deaths, causing unprecedented disruption in health care systems. Lockdowns imposed in many countries to halt the spread of the virus also resulted in a rise of mental health issues as feelings of stress, isolation, and hopelessness arose. However, vaccines to combat the virus were developed at record speed, and many countries have now vaccinated large shares of their population. Nevertheless, in 2024, 11 percent of respondents still stated that COVID-19 was the biggest health problem facing their country.
Mental health issues
One side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a focus on mental health around the world. The two most common mental health issues worldwide are anxiety disorders and depression. In 2021, it was estimated that around 4.4 percent of the global population had an anxiety disorder, while four percent suffered from depression. Rates of depression are higher among females than males, with some 4.3 percent of females suffering from depression, compared to 2.9 percent of men. However, rates of suicide in most countries are higher among men than women. One positive outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic and the spotlight it shined on mental health may be a decrease in stigma surrounding mental health issues and seeking help for such issues. This would be a positive development as many people around the world do not or cannot receive the necessary treatment they need for their mental health.