Nina Jobst
Research expert covering South Korea
Detailed statistics
Number of users of leading food delivery apps South Korea 2024
Detailed statistics
Satisfaction with favored food delivery apps South Korea 2022, by app
Detailed statistics
Main item households ordered when getting food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Market size of the global online food delivery sector 2017-2029, by segment
Revenue of the online food delivery market worldwide from 2017 to 2029, by segment (in trillion U.S. dollars)
Number of users of the online food delivery market worldwide 2017-2029, by segment
Number of users of the online food delivery market worldwide from 2017 to 2029, by segment (in millions)
Online food and beverages sales in South Korea Q1 2017-Q1 2024
Quarterly transaction value of online food and beverages sales in South Korea from the 1st quarter of 2017 to the 1st quarter of 2024 (in trillion South Korean won)
Mobile food and beverages online sales in South Korea Q1 2017-Q1 2024
Quarterly transaction value of mobile food and beverages sales in South Korea from the 1st quarter of 2017 to the 1st quarter of 2024 (in trillion South Korean won)
Expenses for delivery food per month South Korea 2021
Total value of payments made for delivery food per month in South Korea January to October 2021 (in trillion South Korean won)
Online food and beverages online sales in South Korea 2023, by device
Transaction value of online food and beverages sales in South Korea in 2023, by device (in trillion South Korean won)
Food delivery apps as share of restaurant sales South Korea 2020-2021
Share of food delivery apps sales from restaurant sales in South Korea from January 2020 to September 2021
Average monthly household spending on food delivery South Korea 2023
Average monthly household expenditure on food delivery services in South Korea as of August 2023 (in South Korean won)
Average spending on food delivery per purchase South Korea 2023
Average household expenditure when using food delivery services in South Korea as of August 2023 (in South Korean won)
Changes in household spending on food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Changes in households' food delivery or takeaway expenditure compared to the previous year in South Korea as of August 2023
Average monthly individual spending on food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Average monthly individual expenditure on food delivery or takeaway in South Korea as of August 2023 (in South Korean won)
Changes in individual spending on food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Changes in individual food delivery or takeaway expenditure compared to the previous year in South Korea as of August 2023
Distribution of food delivery order methods South Korea 2023
Distribution of methods used to order delivery food South Korea as of August 2023
Reasons to order food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Reasons for using food delivery or takeaway services in South Korea as of August 2023
Share of households ordering food delivery or takeout South Korea 2023
Share of households ordering food delivery or getting takeout in South Korea as of August 2023
Frequency of households ordering delivery food South Korea 2023
Frequency of households ordering food delivery in South Korea as of August 2023
Frequency of people ordering food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Frequency of individuals ordering delivery food or takeaway South Korea as of August 2023
Food delivery apps usage post COVID-19 South Korea 2023
Share of respondents who would keep using food delivery apps as often after restrictions were lifted due to COVID-19 outbreak in South Korea as of April 2023
Most popular recommended categories on food delivery apps in South Korea 2022
Most popular recommended menu categories on food delivery apps in South Korea as of February 2022
Popular recommended categories on food delivery apps in South Korea 2022
Popular recommended menu categories on food delivery apps in South Korea as of February 2022
Main item households ordered when getting food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Main menu item households ordered when getting delivery food or takeaway in South Korea as of August 2023
Items ordered by households when getting food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Popular menu items ordered by households when getting delivery food or takeaway in South Korea as of August 2023
Main item people ordered when getting food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Main item individuals ordered when getting delivery food or takeaway in South Korea as of August 2023
Items ordered by people when getting food delivery or takeaway South Korea 2023
Popular items ordered by individuals when getting delivery food or takeaway in South Korea as of August 2023
Most used food delivery app orders South Korea 2023
Most used app for food delivery orders in South Korea as of April 2023
Number of users of leading food delivery apps South Korea 2024
Number of users for the most downloaded food delivery applications in South Korea as of May 2024 (in million users)
Satisfaction with favored food delivery apps South Korea 2022, by app
Customer satisfaction with using their favorite food delivery app in South Korea as of February 2022, by delivery app
Frequency of food delivery app orders South Korea 2023
Frequency of food delivery orders via applications in South Korea as of April 2023
Amount spent per food delivery app order South Korea 2023
Amount of money spent per food for food delivery order via applications in South Korea as of April 2023
Reasons for using food delivery apps in South Korea 2022
Reasons for using apps to order food delivery in South Korea as of February 2022
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (SGT)
Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm (JST)
Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)