Amy Watson
Research expert covering news and publishing
Detailed statistics
Number of books sold in Norway 2010-2023
Detailed statistics
Sales revenue from e-books in Norway 2011-2023
Detailed statistics
Cumulated book sales revenue in Norway 2024, by category and format
Share of population reading books daily in Norway 2009-2023
Share of population reading books daily in Norway from 2009 to 2023
TikTok users reading more books due to #BookTok in Canada 2023, by province
Share of TikTok users reading more books because of #BookTok in Canada as of May 2023, by province
TikTok users reading more books due to #BookTok in the U.S. 2023, by state
Share of TikTok users reading more books because of #BookTok in the United States as of May 2023, by state
Average daily time spent reading books in Norway 2009-2023
Average daily time spent reading books in Norway from 2009 to 2023 (in minutes)
Canadians reading books 2023, by age group
Number of books read in the last year in Canada in 2023, by age group
Frequency of reading books in Germany 2018-2023
Number of people reading books in Germany from 2019-2023, by frequency (in millions)
Share of population reading books in Turkey 2022, by age group
Share of population reading books in the last 12 months in Turkey in 2022, by age group
Attitude towards reading and reading habits in Germany 2021-2023
Which of these statements about reading and the usage of newspapers, magazines and books apply to you?
Regular book consumption of teenagers in Germany 2002-2024
Share of teenagers who read books daily or several times a week in Germany from 2002 to 2024
Number of books read U.S. 2024
Number of books read in the last year among book readers in the United States as of February 2024
Daily time spent reading books in Norway 2005-2023, by age
Average daily time spent reading books in Norway from 2005 to 2023, by age group (in minutes)
Daily time spent reading books in Norway 2009-2023, by gender
Average daily time spent reading books in Norway from 2009 to 2023, by gender (in minutes)
Weekly book readers in Sweden 2008-2023
Share of people reading books every week during their spare time in Sweden from 2008 to 2023
Share of people reading books daily in the Netherlands 2013-2024
Share of people reading books (almost) daily in the Netherlands from 2013 to 2024
Book reading frequency of teenagers in Germany in 2024
How often do you read printed books?
Frequency of reading books among people aged over 60 Germany 2023
Frequency of reading books among people aged over 60 in Germany in 2023
Frequency of reading books in Hungary 2023
Frequency of reading books in Hungary in 2023
Annual adult reading rate in South Korea 2011-2023, by publication type
Annual reading rate among adults in South Korea in selected years between 2011 and 2023, by type of publication
Top reasons for book reading in Mexico 2024
Leading reasons for reading books among literate adults in Mexico as of February 2024
Reading habits evolution in France 2023
Reading habits evolution among French readers in 2023
Weekly book readers in Sweden 2008-2023, by gender
Share of people reading books every week during their spare time in Sweden from 2008 to 2023, by gender
Weekly book readers in Sweden 2021-2023, by age group
Share of people reading books every week during their spare time in Sweden in 2021 and 2023, by age group
Readership of foreign-language books/newspapers in Germany 2019-2023, by frequency
Number of people reading foreign-language books and newspapers in Germany from 2019 to 2023, by frequency (in million people)
Distribution of paper and e-book reading habits in the Netherlands 2020-2024
Distribution of paper and e-book reading preference in the Netherlands from January 2020 to February 2024
Device use for reading e-books among French youth in March 2024
Devices being used by French youth for reading digital books as of March 2024, by device
Average number of books read by Chinese adults per year 2013-2023, by format
Average number of print and digital books consumed by adult readers in China from 2013 to 2023 (in units)
Most downloaded book reading apps in Russia 2023
Leading book reading apps in Russia in 2023, by downloads (in millions)
Leading book reading apps in Russia 2023, by IAP revenue
Ranking of book reading apps in Russia in 2023, by IAP revenue (in million U.S. dollars)
Number of books read in Great Britain 2024
Number of books read in the last three months in Great Britain as of March 2024
Most downloaded book reading apps in Ukraine 2023
Leading book reading apps in Ukraine in 2023, by downloads (in 1,000s)
Number of books read in Great Britain 2024, by social grade
Number of books read in the last three months in Great Britain as of March 2024, by social grade
Leading book reading apps in Ukraine 2023, by IAP revenue
Ranking of book reading apps in Ukraine in 2023, by IAP revenue (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)
Book reading frequency of teenagers in Germany 2024, by age group
How often do you read a book?
Reasons for reading among book readers in France 2023, by gender
Main reasons for reading books among French readers in 2023, by gender
Book reading time per day in China 2024
Daily time spent on reading books in China as of April 2024
Reading books on e-readers, tablets and smartphones in Germany 2019-2023
Number of people who read books on electronic devices (e-reader, tablet-PC, smartphone) at least occasionally in Germany from 2019 to 2023 (in million people)
Book readership in Sweden 2009-2022
Share of individuals reading books in the last 12 months in Sweden in selected years from 2009 to 2022
Frequency of reading books in Spain 2023
Frequency of reading books in Spain as of December 2023
Purpose of reading books in France 2023
Purpose of reading books in France in 2023
Biggest academic libraries in South Korea 2023, by number of books
Biggest academic libraries in South Korea in 2023, by number of books (in millions)
Number of books read in Great Britain 2024, by gender
Number of books read in the last three months in Great Britain as of March 2024, by gender
Average number of print books read by the French 2023
Average number of print books read by French people within a year in 2023
Book reading frequency of teenagers in Germany in 2023, by gender
How often do you read books?
Preferred format for reading books in Spain 2022
Preferred format for reading books in Spain as of December 2022
Level of interest in books in Germany 2019-2024
Number of people interested in books in Germany from 2019 to 2024, by level of interest (in millions)
Average annual number of books read per capita in Mexico 2015-2024
Average annual number of books read by a literate adult in Mexico from 2015 to 2024
Average daily time spent on reading printed publications in China 2023, by type
Average daily time spent on printed books, newspapers, and magazines among adults in China in 2023 (in minutes)
Average number of books read in China 2023, by age group
Average number of books read annually in China in 2023, by age group
Book readers daily in Norway 2005-2023, by age
Share of population reading books daily in Norway from 2005 to 2023, by age group
Book reading rate of young generations in Hong Kong 2023
Book reading habits among teenage and young adults in Hong Kong as of April 2023
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