Catalina Espinosa
Research expert covering society, economy, and politics for Europe and the EU
Detailed statistics
EU Internal Trade: internal balance of trade 2023, by member state
Detailed statistics
EU Internal Trade: total intra-EU goods exports 1999-2023, by member state
Detailed statistics
EU Internal Trade: value of services traded 2010-2022, by product group
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of European Union member states 2023
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of European Union member states in 2023 (in trillions of Euros)
Percentage share of European Union GDP 2023, by member state
Percentage share of the European Union's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2023, by member state
GDP per capita in the European Union 2023, by member state
Gross Domestic Product per capita in the European Union in 2023, by member state (in thousands of euros)
EU Internal Trade: internal balance of trade 2023, by member state
Annual balance of trade of European Union member states for Intra-EU trade in both goods and services in 2023 (in millions of Euros)
EU internal trade: balance of trade in goods 2021-2023, by member state
Total balance of trade for goods within the European Union from 2021 to 2023, by member states (in millions of Euro)
EU Internal Trade: services trade balance 2022, by member state
Trade balance in services for trade within the European Union in 2022, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: total intra-EU goods trade 2002-2023, by product category
Total annual trade in goods between European Union member states from 2002 to 2023, by product category (in millions of Euro)
EU Internal Trade: value of services traded 2010-2022, by product group
Annual value of services traded within the European Union from 2010 to 2022, by product group (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: goods trade within the EU 1999-2022, by weight
Total annual trade in goods within the European Union from 1999 to 2022, by weight (in millions of metric tonnes)
EU Internal Trade: total intra-EU goods exports 1999-2023, by member state
Total annual goods exports by European Union member states to other countries within the EU from 1999 to 2023 (in trillions of Euros)
EU internal trade: share of intra-EU goods exports 2002-2023, by member state
Annual share of goods exports within the European Union, by member state from 2002 to 2023
EU Internal Trade: monthly exports from the five largest EU exporters 1999-2024
Total monthly exports from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands to other European Union member states from 1999 to 2024 (in millions of euros)
EU Internal Trade: monthly exports from select EU member states 1999-2024
Total monthly exports from Austria, Czechia, Hungary, Spain, and Poland to other European Union member states from 1999 to 2024 (in millions of Euro)
EU Internal Trade: services exports 2013-2022, by member states
Annual services exports within the European Union from 2013 to 2022, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: total intra-EU goods imports 1999-2023, by member state
Total annual goods imports by European Union member states from within the EU from 1999 to 2023 (in millions of Euros)
EU internal trade: share of intra-EU goods imports 2023, by member state
Annual share of goods imports within the European Union in 2023, by member state
EU Internal Trade: monthly imports for the five biggest EU importers 1999-2024
Total monthly imports from European Union member states from 1999 to 2024, by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands (in millions of Euro)
EU Internal Trade: monthly imports for select EU member states 1999-2024
Total monthly imports by Austria, Czechia, Poland, Spain, and Sweden from other European Union member states from 1999 to 2024 (in millions of Euro)
EU Internal Trade: services imports 2017-2022, by member states
Annual services imports within the European Union from 2017 to 2022, by member state (in trillions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: share of goods traded 2002-2023, by product class
Annual share of goods traded within the European Union from 2002 to 2023, by product class
EU Internal Trade: share of services trade 2010-2021, by product group
Annual share of intra-EU services trade from 2010 to 2021, by product group
EU Internal Trade: food, drinks and tobacco trade balances 2023, by member state
Annual trade balance for food, drinks, and tobacco within the European Union in 2023, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: trade balance in raw materials 2023, by member state
Annual trade balance for raw materials within the European Union in 2023, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: minerals, fuels, and related materials trade balance 2023
Annual trade balance for minerals, fuels, lubricants, and related materials within the European Union in 2023, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: chemicals & related products trade 2023, by member state
Annual trade balance for chemicals and related products within the European Union in 2023, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: trade balance for manufactured goods 2023, by member state
Annual trade balance for manufactured goods* within the European Union in 2023, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: machinery and transport equipment trade 2023, by member state
Annual trade balance for machinery and transport equipment within the European Union in 2023, by member state (in millions of Euros)
EU Internal Trade: commodities and other trade 2023, by member state
Annual trade balance for commodities and transactions not classified elsewhere in SITC* within the European Union in 2023, by member state (in millions of Euros)
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