Jose Sanchez
Research expert covering society, economy, & politics for Latin America
Detailed statistics
Amount of students enrolled in any education level in Mexico in 2024
Detailed statistics
Under-graduate school drop-our rate in Mexico in 2022/2023, by state
Detailed statistics
Educational level in Mexico in 2020
Latin America: leading universities 2025, by QS score
Leading universities in Latin America in 2025, by QS score (index score)
Latin America & the Caribbean: literacy rates 2013-2023, by age
Average literacy rates in Latin America and the Caribbean from 2013 to 2023, by age group
Global innovation index in Latin America and the Caribbean 2024, by country
Most innovative countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2024, by global innovation index score
Latin America: level of English proficiency 2023, by country
English Proficiency Index for selected countries in Latin America in 2023 (index score)
Federal spending on education in Mexico 2013-2023, by category
Public spending on education in Mexico from 2013 to 2023, by category (in million Mexican pesos)
Educational level in Mexico in 2020
Educational attainment in Mexico in 2020
Gender pay gap in Mexico in 2020, by educational attainment
Gender pay disparity in Mexico in 2020, by educational attainment
Amount of students enrolled in any education level in Mexico in 2024
Number of people enrolled in any education level in Mexico from the academic year 2000/2001 to 2023/2024 (in millions)
Amount of students enrolled in primary education in Mexico in 2024
Number of people enrolled in primary education in Mexico from the academic year 2000/2001 to 2023/2024 (in millions)
Number of children not enrolled in primary education in Mexico 2000-2022
Number of children not enrolled in primary education in Mexico from 2000 to 2022 (in thousand kids)
Share of children not enrolled in primary education in Mexico 2000-2022
Share of children not enrolled in primary education in Mexico from 2000 to 2022
Share of pupils who reach last grade of primary in Mexico 1999-2021
Percentage of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary in Mexico from 1999 to 2021
Share of trained primary teachers in Mexico 2006-2021
Share of trained primary teachers in Mexico from 2006 to 2021
Mexico: number of students in junior high schools 2015-2024
Number of students enrolled in middle schools in Mexico from academic year 2015/2016 to 2023/2024 (in millions)
Mexico: number of students in private junior high schools 2014-2024
Number of students enrolled in private middle schools in Mexico from academic year 2014/2015 to 2023/2024 (in 1,000's)
Mexico: number of students in high schools 2015-2024
Number of students enrolled in high schools in Mexico from academic year 2015/2016 to 2023/2024 (in millions)
Mexico: number of high schools 2015-2024
Number of high schools in Mexico from academic year 2015/2016 to 2023/2024 (in 1,000s)
Mexico: number of private high schools 2015-2024
Number of private high schools in Mexico from academic year 2015/2016 to 2023/2024 (in 1,000s)
Mexico: number of students in private high schools 2015-2024
Number of students enrolled in private high schools in Mexico from academic year 2015/2016 to 2023/2024 (in 1,000's)
Mexico: students in higher education in 2023/24, by degree
Number of students enrolled in higher education in Mexico in the academic year 2023/24, by type of degree
Mexico: students in higher education 2023/2024, by gender
Number of students in higher education in Mexico in the academic year 2023/24, by gender
Mexico: number of higher education institutions 2023-2024, by state
Number of institutions and schools of higher education in Mexico in the academic year 2023/24, by state
Mexico: number of students in higher education 2023-2024, by state
Number of students in higher education in Mexico in the academic year 2023/24, by state
Mexico: number of students in higher education 2023-2024, by state & gender
Number of students in higher education in Mexico in the academic year 2023/24, by state and gender
Mexico: teachers in higher education 2023-2024, by state
Number of teachers and professors in higher education in Mexico in the academic year 2023/24, by state
Mexico: leading universities 2025, by academic reputation
Leading universities in Mexico in 2025, by academic reputation (index score)
Mexico: most useful professional skills for university graduates 2022
Most useful professional skills to get a job according to university graduates in Mexico in 2022
Mexico: graduates' starting salary 2022
Starting salary of university graduates in Mexico in 2022
Highest paid degrees by average monthly salary in Mexico 2023
Degrees with the highest average monthly salary in Mexico in 2023 (in Mexican pesos)
Lowest paid degrees by average monthly salary in Mexico 2023
Degrees with the lowest average monthly salary in Mexico in 2023 (in Mexican pesos)
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Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)