Nina Jobst
Research expert covering South Korea
Detailed statistics
Monthly number of mobile subscriptions South Korea 2019-2024
Detailed statistics
Smartphone mobile data traffic per user monthly South Korea 2019-2023, by technology
Detailed statistics
Most popular smartphone apps South Korea 2023, by type
South Korea: mobile phone internet user penetration 2019-2029
Mobile phone internet user penetration in South Korea from 2019 to 2029
South Korea: mobile phone internet users 2019-2029
Number of mobile phone internet users in South Korea from 2019 to 2029 (in millions)
Monthly number of mobile subscriptions South Korea 2019-2024
Monthly number of mobile subscriptions in South Korea from January 2019 to March 2024 (in millions)
Mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants South Korea 2013-2023
Mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in South Korea from 2013 to 2023
Share of mobile phones in internet traffic South Korea 2013-2023
Share of internet traffic running on mobile phones in South Korea from December 2013 to December 2023
Share of mobile web traffic South Korea 2023, by mobile operating system
Share of mobile internet traffic in South Korea as of December 2023, by mobile operating system
Mobile internet usage rate South Korea 2022, by gender
Mobile internet usage rate in South Korea as of September 2022, by gender
Mobile internet usage rate South Korea 2023, by age group
Mobile internet usage rate in South Korea as of September 2023, by age group
Daily time used for mobile internet on weekdays South Korea 2023, by age
Average daily time spent on using mobile internet during weekdays in South Korea in 2023, by age group (in minutes)
Most popular smartphone apps South Korea 2023, by type
Most frequently used smartphone apps in South Korea in 2023, by category
Most popular Android and iOS apps in South Korea 2024, by usage time
Most used Android and iOS applications in South Korea as of April 2024, by monthly spent time (in billion minutes)
Highest installation growth among mobile applications South Korea 2023
Mobile applications with the highest installation growth in South Korea as of July 2023
Popular mobile apps South Korea 2023, by new user count
Most popular mobile applications in South Korea as of June 2023, by new user count (in 1,000s)
User gender distribution on mobile apps South Korea H1 2023, by category
Gender distribution of users of mobile applications in South Korea in the 1st half of 2023, by category
User age distribution on mobile apps South Korea H1 2023, by category
Age group distribution of users of mobile applications in South Korea in the 1st half of 2023, by category
Social media user penetration rate South Korea 2019-2028
Social media penetration rate in South Korea from 2019 to 2028
Social network penetration South Korea Q3 2023
Penetration of leading social networks in South Korea as of 3rd quarter 2023
Average monthly usage of social media apps South Korea 2023, by application
Average monthly time spent using social media mobile applications in South Korea in 2023, by application (in hours.minutes)
Leading social media and messaging apps for news South Korea 2024
Most accessed social media and messaging apps used for news in South Korea as of February 2024
Online media services usage rate South Korea 2023, by type
Usage rate of online media services in South Korea in 2023, by type
Online media usage rate South Korea 2023, by age group
Online media usage rate in South Korea as of September 2023, by age group
Preferred mobile game genre South Korea 2024
Most preferred genre of mobile games in South Korea as of October 2024
Popular OTT service applications South Korea 2021, by user number
Most popular OTT (over-the-top) video service mobile applications in South Korea as of December 2021, by number users (in millions)
Number of music streaming app users South Korea 2020-2023, by music app
Number of music streaming app users in South Korea from October 2020 to April 2023, by music app (in 1,000s)
M-commerce sales volume South Korea 2013-2023
Mobile shopping transaction volume in South Korea from 2013 to 2023 (in trillion South Korean won)
E-commerce application download number South Korea 2020-2022
Number of online shopping application downloads in South Korea from 2020 to July 2022 (in millions)
E-commerce application average CPA South Korea 2020-2022
Average CPA (cost-per-action) of online shopping apps in South Korea from 2020 to July 2022 (in U.S. dollar)
Smartphone shopping usage South Korea 2023, by age
Usage of mobile shopping via smartphone in South Korea as of December 2023, by age
Leading payment methods when mobile online shopping South Korea 2023
Leading payment methods used while shopping online on mobile devices within previous year in South Korea as of September 2023
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Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)