Juliette Gagliardi
Junior Researcher
Detailed statistics
Life expectancy at birth in Germany 2022
Detailed statistics
Doctor visits in Germany - number per capita 1991-2021
Detailed statistics
Happiness with own health in Germany 2023, by gender
Life expectancy at birth in Germany 2022
Germany: Life expectancy at birth from 2012 to 2022
Life expectancy at birth in Germany 2022, by gender
Germany: Life expectancy at birth from 2012 to 2022, by gender
Changes in health and wellness views among German adults in 2021
Percentage of adults in Germany who stated their views on health and wellness had changed in select ways in the past year as of 2021
Doctor visits in Germany - number per capita 1991-2021
Number of annual doctor visits per capita in Germany from 1991 to 2021
Survey on how much attention people pay to their mental health Germany 2021
How much attention do you think you pay to your own mental health?
Happiness with own health in Germany 2023, by gender
Satisfaction with own health in Germany 2023, by gender
Prevalence of smoking in Germany 2001-2029
Prevalence of smoking in Germany from 2001 to 2029
Number of smokers in Germany 2014-2029
Number of smokers in Germany from 2014 to 2029 (in millions)
Share of smokers among young people in Germany 2021, by gender
Share of smokers among teenagers and young people in Germany from 1979 to 2021, by gender
Per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages in Germany 2008-2023, by type
Per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages in Germany from 2008 to 2023, by type (in liters)
Distribution of alcoholic beverage consumption in Germany 2014-2023, by type
Distribution of alcoholic beverage consumption in Germany from 2014 to 2023, by type of beverage
Per capita consumption of soft drinks in Germany 2007-2023
Per capita consumption of soft drinks in Germany from 2007 to 2023 (in liters)
Number of people who have problems with their weight in Germany 2017-2021
Number of people reporting to have problems with their weight in Germany from 2017 to 2021 (in millions)
Population share with overweight in Germany 2014-2029
Population share with overweight in Germany from 2014 to 2029
Cancer cases in Germany in 2022, by cancer site
Number of cases of cancer in Germany in 2022, by cancer site
Cancer incidence distribution in Germany in 2022, by cancer type
Distribution of cancer incidence in Germany in 2022, by cancer site
Cancer incidence rate in Germany in 2022, by cancer type and gender
Incidence rate of cancer in Germany in 2022, by cancer type and gender (per 100,000 population)
Cancer incidence distribution in Germany in 2022, by cancer type and age
Distribution of cancer incidence in Germany in 2022, by cancer type and age group
Diabetes prevalence in Germany in 2011 and 2021
Prevalence of diabetes among adults in Germany in 2011 and 2021
New cases of HIV diagnosed in Germany 2013-2022
Number of new cases of HIV diagnosed in Germany from 2013 to 2022
Number of people living with dementia in Germany 2018-2050
Number of people living with dementia in Germany in 2018 and forecast for 2050
Level of anxiety in Germany from 1992 to 2024
Anxiety index in Germany from 1992 to 2024
Feelings of stress in Germany 2022
Have you ever experienced the following feelings in the past year?
Mental illnesses people have suffered from in Germany 2021, by gender
Which of the following mental health illnesses have you or are you currently suffering from?
Average length of sick leave due to mental illness in Germany 2006-2023
Average duration of sick leave due to mental illness in Germany from 2006 to 2023
Deaths distribution in Germany in 2023, by disease
Distribution of deaths in Germany in 2023, by type of disease
Number of female deaths in Germany in 2023, by disease
Leading causes of female deaths in Germany in 2023, by disease (in 1000s)
Number of male deaths in Germany in 2023, by disease
Leading causes of male deaths in Germany in 2023, by disease (in 1000s)
Deaths from circulatory system diseases in Germany 1980-2023
Number of deaths due to circulatory system diseases in Germany between 1980 and 2023
Deaths due to diseases of the respiratory system in Germany 1980-2022
Number of deaths due to respiratory system diseases in Germany between 1980 and 2022
Deaths for diabetes mellitus in Germany 1980-2023
Number of deaths due to diabetes mellitus in Germany between 1980 and 2023
Number of deaths by cancer in Germany in 2023, by type
Number of deaths caused by cancer in Germany in 2023, by type of cancer
Coronavirus (COVID-19) death numbers by gender and age Germany 2024
Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Germany in 2024, by gender and age
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Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)