Raphael Bohne
Research expert covering professional services
Detailed statistics
U.S. mobile job searching location 2016
Detailed statistics
Global online users who access job sites 2016, by age and employment
Detailed statistics
Commonly used job search resources in the United States 2015
Share of job applications by source worldwide 2018
Share of job applications worldwide in 2018, by source
Share of job hires by source worldwide 2018
Share of job hires worldwide in 2018, by source
Most used candidate outreach channels worldwide 2019
Candidate outreach channels talent teams use most worldwide in 2019
Effectiveness of recruitment channels worldwide 2018
Effectiveness of recruitment channels worldwide in 2018, by effectiveness score
Best sources of candidates in the North American staffing industry 2018
Opinion of staffing firm employees about the best sources of candidates in North America in 2018
Most effective lead sources of U.S. staffing firms 2020
Most effective lead sources of staffing firms in the United States in 2020
U.S. employers who have not hired after screening social profiles 2018
Share of U.S. hiring professionals who have not hired a candidate based on content they found on social media from 2012 to 2018
Positive social media discoveries made by online recruiters 2018
Social media discoveries that lead to online recruiters extending an offer to a candidate as of May 2018
Damaging social media discoveries made by online recruiters 2018
Social media discoveries made by online recruiters that lead to a candidate not getting a job as of May 2018
Online jobs market: revenue of the leading firms worldwide 2018
Revenue of the leading online job advertising firms worldwide in 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Leading online job portals worldwide by market cap 2021
Market cap of leading online job portals worldwide from 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading online job portals worldwide by EV/EBITDA 2020
Enterprise-value-to-EBITDA (EV/EBITDA) of leading online job portals worldwide in 2020
Leading online job portals worldwide by CAGR 2019-2021
CAGR of leading online job portals worldwide from 2019 to 2021
Countries with the most LinkedIn users 2024
Leading countries based on LinkedIn audience size as of April 2024 (in millions)
LinkedIn: countries with the highest audience reach 2024
Countries with the highest LinkedIn audience reach as of April 2024
LinkedIn: distribution of global audiences 2024, by age group
Distribution of LinkedIn users worldwide as of April 2024, by age group
LinkedIn: distribution of global audiences 2024, by gender
Distribution of LinkedIn users worldwide as of January 2024, by gender
LinkedIn usage penetration in the United States 2020, by gender
Percentage of U.S. internet users who use LinkedIn as of 3rd quarter 2020, by gender
LinkedIn usage penetration in the United States 2020, by age group
Percentage of U.S. internet users who use LinkedIn as of 3rd quarter 2020, by age group
Share of household members in the United States who used LinkedIn regularly 2024
Share of household members in the United States who used LinkedIn regularly, by income as of September 2024
U.S. Glassdoor web traffic 2018
Web traffic to Glassdoor.com from the United States as of April 2018 (in millions)
Views on employers targeting only U.S. citizen candidates via social media U.S. 2019
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only candidates who are U.S. citizens according to adults in the United States as of April 2019
Employers targeting only citizen candidates via social media U.S. 2019, by age
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only candidates who are U.S. citizens according to adults in the United States as of April 2019, by age group
Employers targeting only citizen candidates via social media U.S. 2019, by ethnicity
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only candidates who are U.S. citizens according to adults in the United States as of April 2019, by ethnicity
Views on employers targeting specific school graduates via social media U.S. 2019
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only candidates graduated from specific schools according to adults in the United States as of April 2019
Employers targeting specific school graduates via social media U.S. 2019, by gender
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only candidates graduated from specific schools according to adults in the United States as of April 2019, by gender
Employers targeting specific school graduates via social media U.S. 2019, by age
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only candidates graduated from specific schools according to adults in the United States as of April 2019, by age group
Views on employer use of social media to target only male candidates U.S. 2019
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only male potential candidates according to adults in the United States as of April 2019
Views on employer use of social media targeting male candidates U.S. 2019, gender
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only male potential candidates according to adults in the United States as of April 2019, by gender
Views on employer use of social media targeting male candidates U.S. 2019, by age
Perceptions on employer usage of social media advertising to target only male potential candidates according to adults in the United States as of April 2019, by age group
Global confidence in neutrality of selected algorithms 2019
Share of internet users worldwide who believe that selected algorithms are unbiased as of February 2019
U.S. users altering social media accounts due to job search reasons 2018
Share of social media users in the United States who have altered their social media account due to applying for a job as of September 2018
U.S. users altering social media accounts due to job search reasons 2018, by gender
Share of social media users in the United States who have altered their social media account due to applying for a job as of September 2018, by gender
U.S. users altering social media accounts due to job search reasons 2018, by age
Share of social media users in the United States who have altered their social media account due to applying for a job as of September 2018, by age group
U.S. negative social media experiences 2017, by gender
Share of internet users in the United States who have ever had negative experiences as a result of being active on social media as of August 2017, by gender
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