Veera Korhonen
Research expert covering United States data for society
Detailed statistics
Online learning services market presence in the U.S. 2019-2022
Detailed statistics
Average number of EdTech tools used per K-12 district U.S. SY 2023-24
Detailed statistics
Fields of study most often studied by online college students in the U.S. 2024
Online learning services market presence in the U.S. 2019-2022
Online learning services awareness and usage in the United States from 1st quarter 2019 to 3rd quarter 2022
Most well-known online education services in the United States 2023
Leading online education services ranked by brand awareness in the United States in 2023
Average number of EdTech tools used per K-12 district U.S. SY 2023-24
Average number of education technology tools used per K-12 school district in the United States from the 2018-19 school year to the 2023-24 school year
Fields of study most often studied by online college students in the U.S. 2024
Leading fields of study for online college students in the United States in 2024
Reasons for online college selection among students in the U.S. 2023
Leading reasons for online college selection among students in the United States in 2023
Share of students studying online U.S. 2023, by gender
Share of students studying online in the United States in 2023, by gender
Share of students studying online in the U.S., by ethnicity and education level 2023
Share of students studying online in the United States in the 2022-2023 school year, by ethnicity and education level
Share of students studying online in the U.S., by income 2023
Share of students studying online in the United States in 2023, by total household income in U.S. dollars
Top EdTech tools used in K-12 schools U.S. SY 2023-24
Share of edtech solutions most accessed by students and teachers in K-12 schools in the United States during the 2023-24 school year
Top EdTech tools used in K-12 schools U.S. SY 2023-24, by purpose
Edtech solutions most used by students and teachers in K-12 schools in the United States during the 2023-24 school year, by solution purpose
K-12 teachers' main reasons to use education technology in class U.S. 2023
What are the primary reasons you or teachers in your district use edtech in the classroom (choose all that apply)?
K-12 teachers' preferred digital planning tool qualities U.S. SY 2021-22
Share of K-12 teachers with various preferences for digital planning tool qualities in the United States in the 2021-2022 school year
Top strengths of digital assessment tools among K-12 teachers U.S. SY 2021-22
Share of K-12 teachers who agree with various strengths of digital assessment tools in the United States in the 2021-2022 school year
K-12 teachers' challenges of digital learning materials U.S. SY 2021-22, by grade
Share of K-12 teachers with various challenges to incorporating digital instructional materials in the United States during the 2021-2022 school year, by grade level
K-12 teachers' opinions on what areas need more edtech resources U.S. 2023
In which of the following areas, if any, would you like more edtech resources to support your teaching and district needs (choose all that apply)?
K-12 teachers' opinions on the biggest impact of edtech on student learning U.S. 2023
Of the following, for which use case (if any) do you think edtech has the biggest impact on student learning?
U.S. student distance learning enrollment 2012-2022
Percentage of students in the United States taking distance learning courses from 2012 to 2022
Number of college students enrolled in distance education U.S. 2022
Number of postsecondary students enrolled in distance education courses in the United States in fall 2022 (in 1,000s)
U.S. students exclusively taking distance courses 2021, by institution
Percentage of distance students in the United States taking exclusively distance courses in 2021, by type of institution
Number of college students enrolled in distance education U.S. 2022, by institution
Number of postsecondary students enrolled in distance education courses in the United States in fall 2022, by institution type (in 1,000s)
Number of college students enrolled only in distance education U.S. 2021, by location
Number of postsecondary students enrolled exclusively in distance education courses in the United States in fall 2021, by student location (in 1,000s)
U.S. distance learning institutions, by share of online enrollment 2024
Leading distance learning institutions in the United States in 2024, by share of online enrollment
U.S. distance learning institutions 2021, by exclusive distance learning enrollment
Leading distance learning institutions in the United States in 2021, by number of students taking exclusively distance learning courses
Top reasons to choose online learning according to students U.S. 2023/24
Most common reasons for choosing online versus on-campus learning options according to online students in the United States in 2023 and 2024
Most commonly offered alumni advice for U.S. online degree enrollees 2023
Most offered advice from online program alumni in the United States on what they would have done differently prior to enrolling in 2023
Concerns about choosing online education in the U.S. 2024
Concerns about online versus on-campus learning options according to online students in the United States in 2024
U.S. students' preferences for college activities to be online or in person 2023
Share of college students who prefer various activities and course work to be conducted online or in person in the United States in 2023
U.S. student satisfaction with hybrid college courses 2023
Share of college students who were satisfied or dissatisfied with taking a hybrid (online and in-person) course in the United States, by student's choice of engagement
U.S. students' beliefs on taking out loans for online higher education 2021-23
How much do you agree or disagree with the idea that, in general, it is worthwhile for borrowers to take out loans for education after high school that is a predominantly online program?
Opinions of online college students on quality of online education U.S. 2022
Do you believe the quality of online instruction in higher education is better, the same, or worse than in-person instruction?
U.S. students' beliefs on the effects of online programs in higher education 2023
Compared to fully in-person programs, do you think that fully online programs in higher education have made the following better, the same, or worse?
Global e-learning market size by segment 2019 with a forecast for 2026
Size of the global e-learning market in 2019 and 2026, by segment (in billion U.S. dollars)
Share of U.S. state agencies seeing increased interest in using AI in classrooms 2024
Share of state agencies seeing increased interest in guidance or policy around the use of artificial intelligence in the classroom compared to last year in the United States in 2024
K-12 parents' concerns on the effects of AI on their child's learning U.S. 2023
How concerned are you about the effects of artificial intelligence, or AI, on your youngest/oldest child's learning this school year?
Adults’ opinion on how K–12 schools should handle AI advances U.S. 2023-24
Which of the following comes closest to your view on how K-12 schools should respond to advances in artificial intelligence (AI)?
Share of U.S. teachers with various concerns about using AI in K- 12 education 2023
Share of teachers with various concerns about using artificial intelligence in K-12 education in the United States in 2023
Share of Americans with various beliefs on the use of AI tools by students U.S. 2023
Share of Americans with various beliefs on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools by students in the United States in 2023
U.S. undergraduate students' opinions on the use of AI tools in education 2023
Share of undergraduate students who have various opinions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in higher education in the United States in 2023
Familiarity with ChatGPT in the U.S. 2023, by education
ChatGPT awareness in the United States in 2023, by level of education
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