Veera Korhonen
Research expert covering United States data for society
Detailed statistics
Number of homeless people in the U.S., by state 2023
Detailed statistics
Share of homeless individuals U.S. 2023, by age
Detailed statistics
Share of homeless individuals U.S. 2023, by gender
U.S. poverty rate of the top 25 most populated cities 2021
Percentage of people who live below the poverty level in the most populated cities in the United States in 2021
Estimated number of homeless people in the U.S. 2007-2023
Estimated number of homeless people in the United States from 2007 to 2023
Number of homeless people in the U.S., by state 2023
Estimated number of homeless people in the United States in 2023, by state
Rate of homelessness in the U.S. 2023, by state
Estimated rate of homelessness in the United States in 2023, by state (per 10,000 population)
Share of homeless individuals U.S. 2023, by age
Estimated share of homeless individuals in the United States in 2023, by age
Share of homeless individuals U.S. 2023, by gender
Estimated share of homeless individuals in the United States in 2023, by gender
Number of homeless people in the U.S. 2023, by race
Estimated number of homeless people in the United States in 2023, by race
Number of homeless people in the U.S., by state and shelter status 2022
Estimated number of homeless people in the United States in 2022, by state and shelter status
Share of unsheltered homeless population, by county of residence U.S. 2023
Share of homeless population who were unsheltered in the United States in 2023, by county of residence
Number of homeless people in families in the U.S. by sheltered status 2007-2022
Estimated number of homeless people in families in the United States from 2007 to 2022, by sheltered status
U.S. people experiencing homelessness 2023, by type and sheltered status
Share of people experiencing homelessness in the United States in 2023, by type and sheltered status
Share of homeless people in the U.S. by place of residence before shelter 2021
Share of homeless people in the United States in 2021, by place of residence before entering homeless shelter
Number of beds for homeless people U.S. 2023, by housing type
Number of beds available to homeless people in the United States in 2023, by housing type
Share of U.S. households in homeless shelters 2021, by length of stay
Share of households accessing homeless shelters in the United States in 2021, by length of stay
Number of homeless veterans in the U.S., by state 2022
Estimated number of homeless veterans in the United States in 2022, by state
Estimated number of homeless veterans in the U.S. by shelter status 2007-2023
Estimated number of homeless veterans in the United States from 2007 to 2023, by sheltered status
Share of homeless veterans U.S. 2023, by gender
Estimated share of homeless veterans in the United States in 2023, by gender
Share of homeless veterans U.S. 2023, by race
Estimated share of homeless veterans in the United States in 2023, by race
Poverty status of U.S. veterans 2022, by age
Poverty status of veterans in the United States in 2022, by age
Number of homeless youth U.S. 2023, by state
Estimated number of homeless people under 25 in the United States in 2023, by state
Estimated number of homeless youth in the U.S. by sheltered status 2016-2022
Estimated number of unaccompanied homeless people under the age of 25 in the United States from 2016 to 2022, by sheltered status
Share of unsheltered homeless youth population by county of residence U.S. 2023
Share of unaccompanied homeless youth population who were unsheltered in the United States in 2023, by metropolitan area of residence
Share of unaccompanied homeless youth U.S. 2023, by gender
Estimated share of unaccompanied homeless youth in the United States in 2023, by gender
Share of unaccompanied homeless youth U.S. 2023, by race
Estimated share of unaccompanied homeless youth in the United States in 2023, by race
Number of homeless parenting youth in the U.S., by state 2022
Estimated number of homeless parents under 25 in the United States in 2022, by state
Share of homeless public school students U.S. 2020/21, by primary nighttime residence
Share of public school students experiencing homelessness in the United States in the 2020/21 school year, by primary nighttime residence
Special populations served by health centers in U.S. 2022
Number of special populations served by health centers in the U.S. in 2022
Mentally ill homeless people U.S. 2023, by sheltered status
Estimated number of severely mentally ill homeless people in the United States in 2023, by sheltered status
Homeless people with chronic substance abuse problems U.S. 2023, by sheltered status
Estimated number of homeless people with chronic substance abuse in the United States in 2023, by sheltered status
Homeless domestic violence victims in the U.S. by sheltered status 2023
Estimated number of homeless people who are victims of domestic violence in the United States in 2023, by sheltered status
Homeless people with HIV/AIDS in the U.S. by sheltered status 2022
Estimated number of homeless people with HIV/AIDS in the United States in 2022, by sheltered status
Number of attacks on homeless people in the U.S. by type 1999-2019
Number of attacks on homeless people in the United States from 1999 to 2019 by type
Non-lethal attacks on homeless people in the U.S. by type 2019
Number of non-lethal attacks on homeless people in the United States in 2019, by type of attack
Economic reasons why homeless people in California left their last housing U.S. 2022
Share of people experiencing homelessness in California with various economic reasons for why they left their last housing in the United States from October 2021 to November 2022
Social reasons why homeless people in California left their last housing U.S. 2022
Share of people experiencing homelessness in California with various social reasons for why they left their last housing in the United States from October 2021 to November 2022
California: experiences of physical or sexual violence while homeless U.S. 2021
Share of homeless people in California who experienced physical or sexual violence while homeless in the United States from October 2021 to November 2022
Places where homeless people in California slept in the last six months U.S. 2022
Share of all places where people experiencing homelessness in California slept for at least one night in the last six months in the United States from October 2021 to November 2022
U.S. beliefs on what is a major cause of homelessness 2023, by political party
Share of Americans who believe that select issues are a major cause of homelessness in the United States in 2023, by political party
U.S. opinion on who is to blame for homelessness 2022
How much, if at all. do you blame each of the following for homelessness in the United States?
U.S. beliefs on who is most responsible for addressing homelessness 2023, by party
Which of the following do you believe is MOST responsible for addressing homelessness?
U.S. support for their government taking various steps to combat homelessness 2023
Share of Americans who support or oppose their local government taking various steps to combat homelessness United States in 2023
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