Mathilde Carlier
Research Expert covering transportation and logistics
Detailed statistics
Per-capita consumption of alcoholic drinks in the UK 2019-2029
Detailed statistics
Consumer expenditure on alcoholic beverages in the United Kingdom (UK) 2005-2023
Per-capita consumption of alcoholic drinks in the UK 2019-2029
Per-capita consumption of alcoholic drinks in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2029 (in litres)
Consumer expenditure on alcoholic beverages in the United Kingdom (UK) 2005-2023
Consumer spending on alcoholic beverages (for consumption at home) in the United Kingdom from 2005 to 2023* (in million GBP)
Weekly household consumption of alcoholic drinks in the United Kingdom (UK) 2006-2022
Average purchase per person per week of alcoholic drinks (for at home consumption) in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2006 to 2022 (in milliliters)
Alcohol consumed away from home: weekly UK household expenditure in 2023, by income
Average weekly household expenditure on alcoholic drinks (away from home) in the United Kingdom in 2023, by gross income decile group (in GBP)
Moderating alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom 2016
Self-moderating alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2016, by age group
Number of accidents caused by drink-driving in Great Britain in 1980-2020
Number of accidents caused by drink-driving in Great Britain between 1980 and 2020
Reported accidents caused by drink-driving in Great Britain 2019, by region
Number of accidents caused by drink-driving in Great Britain (UK) in 2019, by region
Drink-driving accidents and casualties in Great Britain 2019, by time of day
Number of reported accidents caused by drink-driving in Great Britain in 2019, by time of day
Road accidents caused by impairment or distraction in Great Britain 2020
Number of road accidents caused by impairment or distraction factors in Great Britain in 2020, by severity
High blood alcohol in drivers killed in accidents in Great Britain 1980-2019
Percentage of drivers killed in road accidents with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit in Great Britain from 1980 to 2019
Casualties caused by drink-driving accidents in Great Britain 2019, by age and gender
Casualties caused by drink-driving accidents in Great Britain (UK) in 2019, by age and gender
Casualties caused by drink-driving in Great Britain 2018, by age group and user type
Pedestrian and vehicle user casualties caused by drink-driving accidents in Great Britain (UK) in 2018, by age group
Guilty verdicts for dangerous and careless driving in England & Wales 2017-2019
Dangerous, careless, or drunken driving offences found guilty in court in England and Wales from 2017 to 2019 (in 1,000)
Roadside screening breath tests carried out in England and Wales 2002-2016
Number of roadside screening breath tests carried out and failed or refused in England and Wales between 2002 and 2016 (in 1,000)
Car drivers failing breath tests in Great Britain 2003-2019
Number of car drivers failing breath tests in Great Britain between 2003 and 2019
Motorcycle riders failing breath tests in Great Britain (UK) 2003-2019
Number of motorcycle riders failing breath tests in Great Britain (UK) between 2003 and 2019
Views on alcohol limit and driving perceptions in Great Britain (UK) 2006-2017
Do you agree that most people don't know how much alcohol they can drink before being over the legal drink drive limit?**
Opinions on drinking and driving in Great Britain (UK) 2006-2017
Do you agree that if someone has drunk any alcohol they should not drive?**
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Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)