Bruna Alves
Research lead covering environment and sustainability
Detailed statistics
Global plastic production 1950-2023
Detailed statistics
Forecast global plastic waste generation 2019-2060
Detailed statistics
Global plastic waste management methods 2019, by region
Global plastic production 1950-2023
Annual production of plastics worldwide from 1950 to 2023 (in million metric tons)
Plastic material production share worldwide 2023, by region
Distribution of global plastic materials production in 2023, by region
Plastic consumption worldwide 1980-2020
Plastics use worldwide from 1980 to 2020 (in million metric tons)
Global plastic waste flow 2019
Lifecycle of plastic waste worldwide in 2019 (in million metric tons)
Plastic product average lifespans, by type
Average lifespan of selected plastic products, by type (in years)
Plastic waste generation outlook worldwide 2019-2060, by application
Plastic waste generation projections worldwide from 2019 to 2060, by application (in million metric tons)
Plastic waste generation worldwide 1980-2019, by application
Plastic waste generation worldwide from 1980 to 2019, by application (in million metric tons)
Global plastic waste generation projections 2019-2060, by disposal method
Projected plastic waste generation worldwide from 2019 to 2060, by management method (in million metric tons)
Global plastic use and waste projections scenarios 2060
Plastic use and waste projection scenarios worldwide in 2060, by type (in million metric tons)
Biggest single-use plastic producers worldwide 2021
Single-use plastic waste contributions of polymer-producing companies worldwide in 2021 (in million metric tons)
Global plastic waste management market value 2021-2027
Plastic waste management market size worldwide in 2021 and 2022, with a forecast to 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global plastic recycling market value 2021-2031
Market value of plastic recycling worldwide from 2021 to 2031 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global plastic waste management methods 2019, by region
Distribution of plastic waste management worldwide in 2019, by region and method
Global plastic waste management methods 2019, by select country
Distribution of plastic waste management worldwide in 2019, by select region and country
Global mismanaged plastic waste 2019, by destination
Mismanaged and littered plastic waste worldwide in 2019, by end location (in million metric tons)
Mismanaged plastic waste shares worldwide 2019, by region
Distribution of mismanaged plastic waste worldwide in 2019, by region
Mismanaged plastic waste shares worldwide 2019, by select country
Distribution of mismanaged plastic waste worldwide in 2019, by select country
Global plastic waste export volume 2023, by country
Exports of plastic waste worldwide in 2023, by leading country (in 1,000 metric tons)
Plastic waste exports from the European Union 2023, by destination
Main destinations for plastic waste exports from the European Union (EU-27) in 2023, by country (in 1,000 metric tons)
Plastic waste export volume in the Netherlands 2023, by destination
Plastic waste exports from the Netherlands in 2023, by destination (in 1,000 metric tons)
Plastic waste exported from the UK 2023, by main country
Plastic waste export destinations from the United Kingdom in 2023, by leading country (in metric tons)
Plastic waste export volume Japan 2023, by region
Export volume of plastic waste from Japan in 2023, by region (in million kilograms)
Plastic waste exports from the U.S. 2023, by destination
Leading destinations for plastic scrap exports from the United States in 2023, by country (in 1,000 metric tons)
Plastic waste imports worldwide 2023, by leading country
Imports of plastic waste worldwide in 2023, by leading country (in 1,000 metric tons)
Number waste items found in oceans worldwide 2023, by type
Most common items found during the International Coastal Ocean Cleanup in 2023
Main litter types found in oceans worldwide 2021, by environment
Distribution of litter types found in oceans worldwide as of 2021, by environment
Global accumulated plastics stock 1970-2019, by location
Estimated accumulation of plastics stock worldwide from 1970 to 2019, by end location (in million metric tons)
Regional shares of ocean plastic waste inputs worldwide 2019
Distribution of global plastics waste emitted to the ocean in 2019, by region
Share of ocean plastic waste inputs worldwide 2019, by country
Distribution of global plastic waste emitted to the ocean in 2019, by select country
Plastic emissions to oceans per year from select rivers worldwide 2019
Annual plastic waste emissions to oceans from select rivers worldwide as of 2019 (in metric tons)
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