Alexandru Arba
Research expert covering Japan
Detailed statistics
Kawasaki's total assets FY 2014-2023
Detailed statistics
Kawasaki's net sales FY 2014-2023
Detailed statistics
Kawasaki's net sales FY 2023, by segment
Kawasaki's net sales FY 2014-2023
Net sales of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Kawasaki's net sales FY 2023, by segment
Net sales of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. in fiscal year 2023, by business segment (in billion Japanese yen)
Kawasaki's net income FY 2014-2023
Net income of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Kawasaki's R&D expenses in FY 2014-2023
Research and development expenditure of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Kawasaki's employment figures FY 2023, by region
Number of employees working for Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. in fiscal year 2023, by region (in 1,000s)
Kawasaki's powersports and engine segment net sales FY 2014-2023
Net sales of the powersports and engine segment of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Kawasaki's motorcycle sales volume FY 2014-2023
Motorcycle wholesale of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000 units)
Motorbike production volume in Japan 2014-2023
Production volume of motorcycles in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000 units)
Motorcycle sales volume in Japan 2023, by engine capacity
Number of motorcycles sold in Japan in 2023, by cylinder capacity (in 1,000s)
Sales volume of leading motorcycle brands in Japan 2023
Leading motorcycle manufacturers in Japan in 2023, by unit sales (in 1,000 units)
Honda worldwide motorcycle sales 2011-2024
Honda Group's motorcycle sales from FY 2011 to FY 2024 (in 1,000 units)
Kawasaki's aerospace segment net sales FY 2017-2023
Net sales of the aerospace systems segment of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2017 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Global military aircraft and aerospace manufacturing market size 2018-2021
Size of the military aircraft and aerospace manufacturing market worldwide from 2018 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Aerospace sector production value in Japan FY 2013-2022
Production value of the aerospace manufacturing industry in Japan from fiscal year 2013 to 2022 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Leading suppliers of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) FY 2023, by contract value
Leading companies supplying the Japanese Ministry of Defense in fiscal year 2023, by contract value (in billion Japanese yen)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' aircraft, defense and space segment revenue FY 2017-2023
Revenue of the aircraft, defense and space segment of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) from fiscal year 2017 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Kawasaki's energy solution and marine engineering segment net sales FY 2018-2023
Net sales of the energy solution and marine engineering segment of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2018 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Global energy consumption projection by country 2022-2050
Energy consumption worldwide in 2022, with a forecast until 2050, by select country (in quadrillion British thermal unit)
Number of electric power plants Japan 2024, by energy source
Number of electric power plants in Japan as of September 2024, by energy source
Volume of ships completed in Japan, based on gross tonnage 2014-2023
Volume of shipbuilding completions in Japan from 2014 to 2023, based on gross tonnage (in millions)
Kawasaki's ship unit sales sales FY 2014-2023
Number of vessels delivered by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023
Kawasaki's precision machinery and robot segment net sales FY 2014-2023
Net sales of the precision machinery and robot segment of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Total shipping value of manipulators and robots Japan 2014-2023
Total shipment value of manipulators and robots in Japan from 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Global industrial robotics market revenue 2018-2028
Size of the global market for industrial robots from 2018 to 2020, with a forecast for 2021 through 2028 (in million U.S. dollars)
Industrial robots: global revenue of key manufacturers 2020
Leading companies in the global industrial robot market in 2020, based on revenue (in million euros)
Mitsubishi Electric's industrial automation systems segment revenue FY 2018-2022
Revenue of the industrial automation systems segment of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) from fiscal year 2018 to 2022 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Kawasaki's rolling stock segment net sales FY 2014-2023
Net sales of the rolling stock segment of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Rolling stock manufacturing volume in Japan FY 2014-2023
Total number of rolling stock manufactured in Japan from fiscal years 2014 to 2023 (in carriages)
Share of railway vehicles production volume in Japan FY 2023, by type
Production volume distribution of rolling stock manufactured in Japan in fiscal year 2023, by carriage type
Rolling stock manufacturing volume in Japan FY 2023, by type
Number of rolling stock manufactured in Japan in fiscal year 2023, by category (in carriages)
Rail activities revenue of selected rolling stock manufacturers 2020
Leading rolling stock manufacturers in 2020, by revenue of rail activities (in billion euros)
Kawasaki's total assets FY 2014-2023
Total assets of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Honda's total assets 2016-2023
Honda Motor Company's total assets between FY 2016 to FY 2023 (in billion Japanese yen)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' total assets FY 2014-2023
Total assets of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in trillion Japanese yen)
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - total assets 2010-2024
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's total assets from FY 2010 through FY 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Hitachi's total assets FY 2014-2023
Total assets of Hitachi, Ltd. from fiscal year 2014 to 2023 (in trillion Japanese yen)
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