Evgenia Koptyug
Research expert covering the German market
Detailed statistics
Most common legal forms of online shops in Germany 2019-2022
Detailed statistics
Shipping method offered by online retailers in Germany 2024
Detailed statistics
Online revenue from clothing and shoes in Germany 2006-2024
E-commerce revenue in Germany 1999-2024
B2C-e-commerce revenue in Germany from 1999 to 2024 (in billion euros)
Retail market share of mail-order and online retail in Germany 2000-2023
Market share of mail-order and online retail in the retail trade sector in Germany from 2000 to 2023
Online retail revenue from selected product groups in Germany 2019-2023
Product groups ranked by online retail revenue in Germany from 2019 to 2023 (in million euros)
Most common legal forms of online shops in Germany 2019-2022
Most common legal forms of online shops in Germany from 2019 to 2022
Shipping method offered by online retailers in Germany 2024
Shipping methods offered by the leading 1,000 online retailers in Germany in 2024
Share of online shoppers in Germany 2023, by age group
Share of online shoppers who ordered and purchased products on the internet in the past three months in Germany in 2023, by age group
Return rate of online retailers in Germany from 2019 to 2023
What was the return rate in your online shop last year?
Online fashion retail sales in Germany 2006-2024
Sales in online fashion retail in Germany from 2006 to 2024 (in billion euros)
Online retail revenue from selected product groups in Germany 2019-2023
Product groups ranked by online retail revenue in Germany from 2019 to 2023 (in million euros)
Amazon revenue 2004-2023
Revenue of Amazon from 2004 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Revenue of Amazon in Germany and worldwide 2010-2023
Revenue of Amazon in Germany and worldwide from 2010 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Year-over-year revenue growth of Amazon and eBay 2006-2023
Year-over-year revenue growth of Amazon.com and eBay Inc. from 2006 to 2023
Revenues of online retailer OTTO 2012-2023/24
E-commerce revenues of online retailer OTTO from 2012/13 to 2023/24 (in million euros)
Satisfaction of online retailers with the financial year in Germany 2023
How satisfied are you with the financial year 2023?
Revenue development for online retailers in Germany in 2023
How has your revenue developed in 2023compared to the previous year?
Biggest challenges facing online retailers in Germany in 2024
What will be the biggest challenges facing e-commerce in 2024?
Expectations from online retailers for e-commerce performance in Germany in 2024
What kind of expectations do have for e-commerce in 2024?
Number of written warnings received by online retailers in Germany in 2022
How many written warnings have you received in the last year?
Share of online retailers who received a written warning in Germany 2015-2022
Share of online retailers who received a written warning in Germany from 2015 to 2022
Reasons online retailers received written warnings in Germany in 2022
Why did you receive a written warning?
Cost of written warnings for online retailers in Germany in 2022
How much did the warnings you received cost?
Market share of payment methods in online retail in Germany 2023
Market share of selected online retail payment methods in Germany in 2023
Most used e-commerce payment methods in Germany 2016-2023, with 2027 forecast
Market share of cash, credit cards, and other payment methods during online shopping in Germany from 2016 to 2023, with a forecast for 2027
FinTech Digital Payments users in Germany 2021-2028, by segment
FinTech Digital Payments users forecast in Germany 2021-2028, by segment (in million)
FinTech Digital Payments penetration in Germany 2021-2028, by segment
FinTech - Digital Payments penetration forecast in Germany 2021-2028, by segment (in percent)
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