Erick Burgueño Salas
Research expert covering climate change and the water industry
Detailed statistics
Global population without basic drinking water services 2000-2022
Detailed statistics
Share of global population using drinking water services 2015-2022, by source
Detailed statistics
Handwashing coverage worldwide 2015-2022
Dryland population exposure to droughts and desertification 2023, by warming scenario
Number of people exposed to water stress, heat stress, and desertification due to global warming as of 2023, by scenario (in billions)
Global population based on water security levels 2023
Population living in water-insecure conditions worldwide as of 2023, by water security level (in billions)
Countries with the lowest water security score worldwide 2023
Least water-secure countries worldwide as of 2023, based on water security score
Share of population with access to basic drinking water 2022, by region
Share of population with access to at least basic drinking water services worldwide in 2022, by SDG region
Global renewable water resources 2022, by country
Renewable water resources worldwide as of 2022, by country (in billion cubic meters)
Global per capita renewable water resources 2022, by country
Renewable water resources per capita worldwide as of 2022, by country (in cubic meters)
Global renewable water resources 2020, by type and region
Renewable groundwater and surface water resources worldwide in 2020, by region (in billion cubic meters)
Global renewable surface water resources 2020, by main country
Renewable surface water resources in leading countries worldwide as of 2020 (in billion cubic meters)
Global renewable groundwater resources 2020, by main country
Renewable groundwater resources in leading countries worldwide as of 2020 (in billion cubic meters)
Global water withdrawals 2021, by select country
Total water withdrawals in selected countries worldwide as of 2021 (in billion cubic meters)
Global water withdrawals per capita 2022, by select country
Water withdrawals per capita worldwide as of 2022, by select country (in cubic meters per inhabitant)
Total water withdrawals worldwide 2020, by region
Total water withdrawals worldwide in 2020, by region (in billion cubic meters per year)
Global fresh surface water withdrawals 2020, by main country
Fresh surface water withdrawals worldwide in 2020, by leading country (in billion cubic meters)
Global fresh groundwater withdrawals 2020, by main country
Fresh groundwater withdrawals worldwide in 2020, by leading country (in billion cubic meters)
Share of global population using drinking water services 2015-2022, by source
Distribution of population with access to drinking water worldwide in 2015 and 2022, by source
Global urban and rural drinking water coverage 2022, by water source
Drinking water coverage of urban and rural populations worldwide in 2022, by water source
Regional drinking water coverage worldwide 2022, by water source
Share of regional populations with access to various water sources worldwide in 2022
Global population without basic drinking water services 2000-2022
Number of people without basic drinking water services worldwide in 2000 and 2022 (in millions)
Countries with lowest share of population with access to clean drinking water 2022
Countries where the lowest share of the population has access to safely managed drinking water worldwide in 2022
Growth in global accessibility to safe drinking water 2015-2022, by select country
Change in the share of population using safely managed drinking water services in selected countries worldwide from 2015 to 2022
Global population with access to sanitation services 2000-2022, by facility type
Number of people with access to sanitation facilities worldwide in 2000 and 2022, by facility type (in billions)
Share of global population using sanitation services 2022, by type
Distribution of population with access to sanitation services worldwide in 2022, by type
Regional sanitation coverage worldwide 2022, by facility type
Proportion of regional populations with access to sanitation facilities worldwide in 2022, by type
Countries with the worst sanitation services globally 2022
Countries with the least access to sanitation services worldwide in 2022
Countries with the highest drought exposure 2024
Countries most exposed to droughts worldwide in 2024, by risk index score
Global number of drought disasters 1990-2023
Number of drought disasters worldwide from 1990 to 2023
Global freshwater withdrawals as share of available resources 2022, by country
Freshwater withdrawals as share of available renewable water resources in selected countries worldwide in 2022
Number of water-related conflicts globally 2000-2023, by role of water
Number of conflicts involving water worldwide from 2000 to 2023, by role of water in the conflict
Number of water-related conflicts globally 2000-2023, by region
Number of conflicts involving water worldwide from 2000 to 2023, by region
Leading countries based on number of water-related conflicts 2023
Countries with the largest number of conflicts involving water worldwide in 2023
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