Conor Stewart
Research expert covering health & pharmaceuticals in the UK & Europe
Detailed statistics
Share of population who once thought of suicide in Belgium 2004-2018
Detailed statistics
Share of population who once attempted suicide in Belgium 2004-2018
Detailed statistics
Number of suicides in Belgium 2006-2020
Share of adults with mental illness who are uninsured in the U.S. in 2023, by state
Share of adults with any mental illness among those who are uninsured in the U.S. in 2023, by state
Mental healthcare problems reported by citizens in Italy 2023
Main problems related to mental healthcare reported by citizens in Italy in 2023
Amount of mental healthcare facilities in South Korea 2023, by type
Total number of mental healthcare facilities in South Korea in 2023, by type
Number of untreated adults with mental illness in the U.S. in 2022, by state
Number of adults with any mental illness who did not have access to needed treatment in the U.S. in 2022, by state
Receipt of mental health services among U.S. adults by level of illness 2023
Receipt of mental health services in the past year among U.S. adults in 2023, by level of mental illness
Patients accessing ER with mental illness in Italy 2023, by diagnosis
Number of patients accessing emergency rooms with mental illness in Italy in 2023, by diagnosis
Mental health care budget in South Korea 2023, by province
National budget for mental healthcare in South Korea in 2023, by province (in billion South Korean won)
Any mental illness among U.S. men 2008-2023
Percentage of U.S. men who had any mental illness in the past year from 2008 to 2023
Any mental illness in the past year among U.S. adults 2021-2022, by state
Number of U.S. adults with any mental illness in the past year in 2021 and 2022, by state (in thousands)
Prevalence of mental health disorders in Italy 2023, by diagnosis
Prevalence of patients treated for mental health disorders in Italy in 2023, by diagnosis-related group (per 10,000 inhabitants)
National mental healthcare budget in South Korea 2020-2023
Budget for mental healthcare in South Korea from 2020 to 2023 (in billion South Korean won)
Reasons for unmet mental health needs among U.S. adults in 2022
Share of reasons for unmet treatment needs among adults with any mental illness in the U.S in 2022
Treatment gap for mental health and substance use disorder among veterans U.S. 2022
Percentage of U.S. veterans who did not receive treatment for mental illness or substance use disorder in the past year as of 2022
Past year substance use and mental illness among Hispanics in the U.S. 2022
Percentage of Hispanics in the U.S. who used illicit drugs in the past year in 2022, by type and mental illness status
Any or serious mental illness in the past year among U.S. men 2023, by age
Percentage of U.S. men with any or serious mental illness in the past year as of 2023, by age
Any or serious mental illness in the past year among U.S. women 2023, by age
Percentage of U.S. women with any or serious mental illness in the past year as of 2023, by age
Any mental illness in the past year among U.S. Hispanic adults 2008-2023
Percentage of U.S. Hispanic or Latino adults with any mental illness in the past year from 2008 to 2023
Co-occurrence of substance use and mental illness among U.S. veterans 2022
Percentage of U.S. veterans who used select substances in the past year as of 2022, by mental health status
Alcohol dependence or abuse among U.S. adults by level of mental illness 2023
Alcohol dependence or abuse among adults in the United States as of 2023, by level of mental illness*
Illicit drug use disorder among U.S. adults by level of mental illness 2023
Illicit drug use disorder among adults in the United States as of 2023, by level of mental illness*
Share of U.S. adults who received mental health treatment 2022, by illness status
Percentage of U.S. adults who received mental health treatment in 2022, by mental illness status*
Substance use among adults in the U.S. by any mental illness 2022
Substance use among adults in the United States as of 2022, by any mental illness
Distribution of U.S. suicide deaths with select mental illness in 2021, by gender
Distribution of U.S. suicide deaths in 2021, by gender and mental health status
Mental illness among U.S. women 2008-2022
Percentage of U.S. women who had any mental illness in the past year from 2008 to 2022
Share of LGB adults in the U.S. with a mental illness as of 2022, by age
Prevalence of mental illness among LGB adults in the U.S. in the past year as of 2022, by age
Share of U.S. LGB adults with mental illness who reported substance use in 2022
Percentage of U.S. lesbian, gay, or bisexual adults with mental illness who reported substance use in the past year as of 2022, by degree of mental illness
Prevalence of mental illness among U.S. adults as of 2022, by sexual identity
Percentage of adults who reported any mental illness in the past year in the U.S. as of 2022, by sexual identity
Revenue in the mental health market MENA 2016-2029
Revenue in the mental health market in the Middle East and North Africa region from 2016 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Average length of sick leave due to mental illness in Germany 2006-2023
Average duration of sick leave due to mental illness in Germany from 2006 to 2023
Sick leave cases due to mental illness in Germany 1997-2023, by gender
Number of cases of sick leave due to mental illness in Germany from 1997 to 2023, by gender (per 100 year-round insured persons)
Sick leave index due to mental illness in Germany 1997-2023
Sick days due taken to mental illness in Germany from 1997 to 2023 (index representation*)
Any mental illness in the past year among U.S. adults by age and gender 2022
Percentage of U.S. adults with any mental illness in the past year as of 2022, by age and gender
Total healthcare costs for mental health in the Netherlands 2017-2023
Total costs for mental health care in the Netherlands from 2017 to in 2023 (in billion euros)
Public opinion on mental health care in Colombia 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Colombia as of 2024
Public opinion on mental health care in Brazil 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Brazil as of 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Peru 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Peru as of 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Mexico 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Mexico as of 2024
Public opinion on mental health care in Chile 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Chile as of 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Argentina 2024
Public opinion on mental health in Argentina as of 2024
Share of African Americans with serious mental illness U.S. 2022, by age
Percentage of African Americans with serious mental illness in the U.S. in 2022, by age
Share of adults with any mental illness in the Netherlands 2019/2022, by sex
Share of adults who had some mental illness in the past year in the Netherlands in 2019/2022, by sex
Share of adults with any mental illness in the Netherlands 2019/2022, by age
Share of adults who had some mental illness in the past year in the Netherlands in 2019/2022, by age
Reasons young adults couldn't discuss mental health with professionals in U.S. 2024
Share of reasons why young adults aged between 18 and 29 were unable to speak with a healthcare professional about their mental health in the U.S. as of January 2024
U.S. mental health workforce availability 2024, by state
Number of people per mental health provider in the U.S. in 2024, by state
Co-occurrence of tobacco and alcohol use and mental illness among U.S. veterans, 2022
Percentage of U.S. veterans who used tobacco or binge-drank in the past month in 2022, by mental health status
Adults who had unmet needs for mental health treatment in the U.S. in 2022, by state
Share of adults with any mental illness who reported unmet need for required treatment in the U.S. in 2022, by state
NIH research funding for mental illness in the U.S. 2016-2025
Total mental illness funding by the National Institutes for Health (NIH) from FY 2016 to FY 2025 (in million U.S. dollars)
Tobacco and alcohol use and mental illness among African Americans U.S. 2022
Percentage of African American adults who had used tobacco and binge-drank in the past month in 2022, by mental health status
Share of U.S. Hispanics with mental illness who didn't receive treatment as of 2022
Percentage of Hispanics in the U.S. with mental illness and substance use disorder who did not receive treatment in the past year in 2022
Prevalence of smoking and drinking among U.S. LGB adults with mental illness in 2022
Percentage of U.S. lesbian, gay, or bisexual adults with mental illness who reported use of tobacco or binge-drinking in the past month as of 2022, by degree of mental illness
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