Laura Carollo
Research expert covering cinema and film
Detailed statistics
Attendance level of the twenty biggest festivals in France 2022
Detailed statistics
Number of people who attended a music festival in France 2016-2023
Detailed statistics
Frequency of attendance at live music shows in France 2017
Attendance level of the twenty biggest festivals in France 2022
Ranking of the largest music festivals in France in 2022, by number of participants
Number of people who attended a music festival in France 2016-2023
Total number of music festival-goers in France from 2016 to 2023 (in millions)
Music festival attendance evolution in France 2017-2019
Evolution of music festival attendance in France from 2017 to 2019
Share of musical shows attendance at festivals in France 2015-2017
Share of musical shows attendance generated at festivals in France from 2015 to 2017
Number of admissions of live shows by attendance in France 2017
Number of visitors attending live shows in France in 2017, by attendance*
Frequency of attendance at live music shows in France 2017
How often do you attend live music shows?
Share of in-person music festivals in France 2021
Share of music festivals that were able to take place in-person in France in 2021
Changes in music festivals organization planned due to the Covid-19 in France 2020
Impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on the organization of music festivals in France in 2020
Artists most featured during summer festivals in France 2019
Ranking of the most featured artists during summer festivals in France in 2019
Ranking of festivals featuring the most popular artists France 2019
Ranking of the summer festivals featuring the most popular artists in France in 2019, by number of artists
Number of live shows playing in festivals in France 2016-2017
Number of live shows taking place in festivals in France in 2016 and 2017
Number of live shows by attendance in France 2017
Number of live shows in France in 2017, by attendance*
Share of musical performances playing in festivals in France 2015-2017
Share of musical performances taking place in festivals in France from 2015 to 2017
Share of ticket sold in festivals in France 2015-2017
Share of ticket sales generated at festivals in France from 2015 to 2017
Ticket sales value generated in festivals in France 2019-2022
Ticketing revenues generated in festivals in France from 2019 to 2022 (in million euros)
Live show ticket sales value by attendance in France 2017
Ticketing revenues generated by live shows in France in 2017, by attendance (in euros)
Other expenses planned when attending a live music show in France 2019
What additional expenses do you plan when you attend a live music show?
Purchase of goodies of a live music show in France 2018
Have you ever bought goodies of the live music show you just attended?
Purchase of the CD or the DVD of a live music show in France 2018
Have you ever bought the CD or the DVD of the live music show you just attended?
Breakdown of French festival-goers by age in France 2019
Breakdown of music festival-goers in France in 2019, by age
Information sources on live music shows in France 2019
How do you generally keep up with live music shows?
Reasons for attending live music shows in France 2019
Why do you attend live music shows?
Most important aspects of a music festival according to French festival-goers 2019
Ranking of the most important aspects of a music festival according to French festival-goers in 2019
Satisfaction of the diversity of music shows available in France 2017
How satisfied are you with the live music shows available where you live?
Impact of security measures on music venues and festivals in France 2017
Impact of security measures on music venues and festivals in France in 2017
Share of French people missing going to music festivals since the lockdown 2020
Do you miss going to festivals?
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (SGT)
Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm (JST)
Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)