Evgenia Koptyug
Research expert covering the German market
Detailed statistics
Number of day care centers in Germany in 2024, by type
Detailed statistics
Number of secondary schools in Germany 2010 to 2024
Detailed statistics
Number of full-time professors at universities in Germany 1999-2023, by gender
Number of preparatory classes and school kindergartens in Germany 2010-2024
Number of preparatory classes and school kindergartens in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24
Number of day care centers in Germany in 2024, by type
Number of day care centers run by public institutions in Germany in 2024, by type
Independent day care centers in Germany in 2024, by type
Number of day care centers run by independent institutions in Germany in 2024, by type
Number of day care centers for children of employees in Germany 2006-2024
Number of day care centers for children of employees in Germany from 2006 to 2024
Distribution of children in day care centers by age group in Germany in 2024
Distribution of children in day care centers in Germany in 2024, by age group
Children younger than 3 years in day care in Germany in 2024, by federal state
Distribution of children younger than 3 years in day care facilities in Germany in 2024, by federal state
Number of children in school kindergartens in Germany 2010-2024, by gender
Number of children in school kindergartens in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24, by gender
Monthly standard child benefits in Germany 2023
Monthly standard child benefits in Germany since January 1, 2023 (in euros)
Number of school students in Germany in 2023/2024, by type of school
Number of school students in Germany in the 2023/2024 school year, by type of school
Number of primary schools in Germany 2010/11-2023/24
Number of primary schools in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24*
Number of secondary schools in Germany 2010 to 2024
Number of secondary schools in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24
Number of secondary general schools in Germany 2010-2024
Number of secondary general schools in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24
Number of academic secondary schools in Germany 2010-2024
Number of academic secondary schools in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24
Number of general schools in Germany in 2023/2024, by school type
Number of general schools in Germany in the 2023/2024 school year, by school type
Number of integrated comprehensive schools in Germany 2010-2024
Number of integrated comprehensive schools in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24
Number of Waldorf schools in Germany 2006-2024
Number of Waldorf schools in Germany from 2006 to 2024
Number of schools for children with special needs in Germany 2010-2024
Number of schools for children with special needs in Germany from 2010 to 2024*
Number of night schools and colleges in Germany 2010/11-2023/24
Number of night schools and colleges in Germany from 2010/11 to 2023/24
Number of school graduates/ leavers in Germany in 2023, by education level
Number of school graduates/ leavers in Germany in the graduation year 2023, by education level
Number of teachers at general schools in Germany 2023/2024, by school type
Number of teachers at general schools in Germany in the 2023/2024 school year, by school type
Number of apprenticeships and applicants in Germany 1992-2023
Number of apprenticeships and applicants in Germany from 1992 to 2023
Number of vocational trainees in Germany 1950-2023
Number of vocational trainees in Germany from 1950 to 2023 (in millions)
Most popular apprenticeships in Germany 2023, by number of contracts
Newly signed apprenticeship contracts in the busiest occupations in Germany in 2023
Most popular apprenticeships among men in Germany 2023, by number of contracts
Newly signed apprenticeship contracts in the busiest occupations among men in Germany in 2023
Most popular apprenticeships among women in Germany 2023, by number of contracts
Newly signed apprenticeship contracts in the busiest occupations among women in Germany in 2023
Apprenticeship vacancies and unplaced applicants in Germany 1992-2023
Number of vacant vocational training positions and applicants without a training position in Germany from 1992 to 2023
New and modernized apprenticeships in Germany 2001-2023
Number of new and modernized apprenticeships in Germany from 2001 to 2023
Professional quality of training in vocational schools in Germany in 2024
In your opinion, what is the professional quality of training in vocational schools?
Universities in Germany in 2023/2024, by type
Distribution of universities in Germany in the winter semester 2023/2024, by type of university
Bachelor's, Master's and other study programs in Germany in 2024/2025
Number of Bachelor's, Master's and other study programs in Germany in the winter semester 2012/2013-2024/2025
Number of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in universities in Germany 2000-2023
Number of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in universities in Germany from 2000 to 2023
Number of study programs in Germany in 2023/2024, by university and program type
Number of study programs in Germany in the winter semester 2023/2024, by university and program type
Number of students in German universities in winter semesters 2002/2003-2023/24
Number of students in universities in Germany during winter semesters from 2002/2003 to 2023/24 (in millions)
Student numbers in universities in Germany 2023/24, by type of university
Number of students in Germany in the winter semester of 2023/24, by type of university
Number of university students in Germany 2023/2024, by subject groups
Number of university students in the winter semester in Germany in 2023/2024, by subject groups
Average study duration of first-degree university graduates in Germany 2003-2023
Average study duration of first-degree university graduates in Germany from 2003 to 2023 (in semesters)
Age of first degree university graduates in Germany from 2003 to 2023
Average age of first degree university graduates in Germany from 2003 to 2023 (in years)*
Taken final university exams in Germany by type of degree 2023
Distribution of taken final university exams in Germany in 2023, by type of degree
The 20 most popular universities in Germany in 2023
Ranking of the 20 most popular universities in Germany in 2023
Number of full-time professors at universities in Germany 1999-2023, by gender
Number of full-time professors at universities in Germany from 1999 to 2023, by gender (in 1,000)
Distance learning participants at correspondence schools Germany 2003-2022
Number of participants in distance learning at correspondence schools in Germany from 2003 to 2022
Distance learning participants in Germany in 2022, by subject
Number of participants in distance learning courses in Germany in 2022, by subject
Distance learning participant share in Germany in 2022, by age group
Share of participants in distance learning in Germany in 2022, by age group
Importance of e-learning topics in companies in Germany 2020
How important will the following topics be for e-learning in the next three years? Please indicate your assessment on a scale of 1 to 6, according to the school grading system.
Share of households with personal computers in Germany 2000-2022, by type
Share of private households owning a personal computer in Germany from 2000 to 2022, by type
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