D. Petruzzi
Research expert covering Cosmetics, Personal Care, Health & Hygiene industries.
Detailed statistics
Most common second-hand purchases by category in France 2024
Detailed statistics
Monthly retail sales index for used goods in stores in France 2018-2020
Detailed statistics
Favorite websites for reselling unwanted Christmas gifts in France 2020, by gender
Global used personal luxury goods market size from 2015 to 2021
Value of the personal luxury goods second-hand market worldwide from 2015 to 2021 (in billion euros)
Monthly retail sales index for used goods in stores in France 2018-2020
Monthly turnover index for retail sale of second-hand goods in stores in France between 2018 and 2020
Monthly volume of sales index for used goods in stores in France 2018-2022
Monthly sales volume index for retail sale of second-hand goods in stores in France between 2018 and 2022
Industry revenue of “retail sale of second-hand goods in stores“ in France 2012-2025
Industry revenue of “retail sale of second-hand goods in stores“ in France from 2012 to 2025 (in million U.S. Dollars)
Revenue of Leboncoin.fr in France 2015-2021
Revenue generated by Leboncoin.fr in France from 2015 to 2021 (in million euros)
Most popular second-hand products in France 2020, by type
The second-hand products most purchased by the French in 2020
Most common second-hand purchases by category in France 2024
Most common second-hand purchases by category in France as of December 2024
Share of French people considering the lower cost of used products as a priority 2020
When you choose to buy a used or reconditioned product, is paying less for it a priority?
Importance of product antiquity among second-hand buyers in France 2020
When you choose to buy a used or reconditioned product, is benefiting from antique items a priority?
Share of French people wanting to purchase more second-hand products 2020
Will you purchase more second-hand items in the future?
Share of the French planning to buy used or refurbished products for Christmas 2020
This year, compared to last year, do you think you will buy second-hand or refurbished products for Christmas?
Most visited shopping locations to buy second hand clothing in France 2019
Share of French shoppers having bought a second hand item in various shopping locations in 2019
Awareness of upcycling among the French population 2020
Have you ever heard about upcycling?
Purchase preference of new or secondhand furniture and home decor in France 2018
Preferences of consumers regarding the purchase of new or secondhand furniture and decorative items in France in 2018
Number of second-hand furniture purchased by people in France 2020, per year
How many pieces of second-hand furniture do you purchase per year?
Main reason for purchasing second-hand furniture in France 2020
Main motivations for French consumers to purchase second-hand furniture in 2020
First concern when purchasing second-hand furniture in France 2020
Primary concerns of French people when purchasing second-hand furniture in 2020
French people's average budget when buying second-hand furniture 2020
What is your average budget when purchasing a piece of furniture from the second-hand market?
Share of people buying used furniture and decoration for Christmas in France 2020
Will you buy more, as much or less refurbished or second-hand furniture and decoration compared to last year?
Preferences when buying electrical appliances: new or second-hand in France 2019
Preferences of consumers regarding the purchase of new or second-hand electrical appliances in France in 2019
Share of French people intending to buy refurbished home appliances 2019, by age
Share of people intending to purchase refurbished home appliances in the coming months in France in 2019, by age group
Most important criteria when buying a refurbished home appliance in France 2019
Ranking of the most important criteria when purchasing a refurbished household appliance in France in 2019
Buying refurbished products to equip children with digital equipment in France 2020
You personally, if you had to buy a smartphone, a computer or a tablet for your children, would you prefer to buy new, used or reconditioned products?
Breakdown of consumers who already bought a refurbished or used phone in France 2019
Have you purchased a used or refurbished mobile phone at least once?
Opinion on buying a refurbished phone as next device in France 2019
For your next mobile phone purchase, do you consider buying a refurbished phone?
Purchasing leverage of a refurbished smartphone in France 2020
Why are you considering buying a refurbished smartphone?
Barriers to purchase of a refurbished mobile phone in France 2020
Aspects that French people who do not want to invest in a refurbished smartphone are afraid of in France in 2020
Market share of the best selling electronic brands on Back Market in France 2020
Best selling second hand electronic brands on the Back Market platform in France in 2020
Channels used to buy second hand digital equipment in France 2020
During the last 12 months, through which channel did you purchase second hand digital equipment?
Share of the French buying used or refurbished high-tech products for Christmas 2020
Will you buy more, as much or less refurbished or second-hand high-tech products and appliances compared to last year?
Sales frequency of second-hand products among French people 2020
To what frequency do you sell second-hand products?
Online purchase and sale of second hand products amongst French people 2018
Percentage of French people having purchased and sold second hand products online in the past six months in 2018
Share of French people having ever resold a Christmas gift 2020, by age group
Have you ever sold a Christmas gift that a member of your entourage had offered you?
Favorite websites for reselling unwanted Christmas gifts in France 2020, by gender
If you were to resell a gift on the Internet, which one(s) of the(se) site(s) would you consider using?
Type of goods most sold online by French private individuals 2020
Most popular categories of goods sold online by individuals in France in 2020
Share of the French regularly buying or reselling items on resale sites 2019, by age
Share of people who regularly buy or resell items on resale websites between individuals in France in 2019, by age group
Number of second-hand product categories bought on leboncoin.fr 2012-2020
Number of second-hand product categories purchased on leboncoin.fr in 2012 and 2020
Number of second-hand product categories sold on leboncoin.fr 2012-2020
Number of second-hand product categories sold on leboncoin.fr in 2012 and 2020
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