Martin Placek
Research expert covering transportation and electronics
Detailed statistics
Machine tools - production worldwide 2011-2021
Detailed statistics
Production value of machine tool industry in Europe 2017-2021
Detailed statistics
Machine tools production in Germany 2015-2021
Machine tools - production worldwide 2011-2021
Global production value of machine tools from 2011 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Machine tools - global consumption by country 2021
Leading countries in the consumption of machine tools* in 2021 (in billion euros)
Machine tools - top producing countries worldwide 2021
Leading countries in the production of machine tools in 2021, based on production value (in million euros)
Production value of machine tool industry in Europe 2017-2021
Annual production value of the machine tool industry in Europe from 2017 to 2021 (in billion euros)*
Consumption forecast of machine tool industry in Europe 2015-2025
Annual consumption value of the machine tool industry in Europe from 2015 to 2025 (in billion euros)*
Machine tools production in Germany 2015-2021
Production value of machine tools in Germany from 2015 to 2021 (in billion euros)
Machine tools - leading exporting countries 2021
Leading countries for machine tool exports in 2021 (in million euros)
Machine tools - main importing countries 2021
Leading importing countries of machine tools in 2021 (in million euros)
Share of German machine tool import trade by region 2021
Share of German machine tool import trade in 2021, by geographic region
Imports of machine tools into Germany - originating countries 2020-2021
Germany's top source countries for the import of machine tools in 2020 and 2021, based on import value (in million euros)
German machine tool exports by major customer markets 2021
German machine tool exports in 2021, by major customer markets (in million euros)
Share of German machine tool export trade by region 2021
Share of German machine tool export trade in 2021, by geographic region
German machine tool production by segment 2012-2021
German machine tool production from 2012 to 2021, by segment (in million euros)
German metal cutting machine tool production by machinery group 2012-2021
German metal cutting machine tool production from 2012 to 2021, by machinery group* (in million euros)
German metal forming machine tool production by machinery group 2012-2021
German metal forming machine tool production from 2012 to 2021, by machinery group (in million euros)
German machine tool industry production by region 2021
Geographical distribution of the German machine tool industry in 2021, by production
German machine tool industry by company size 2017-2021
German machine tool industry from 2017 to 2021, by company size
DMG Mori AG - revenue 2002-2021
DMG Mori AG's revenue from 2002 to 2021 (in million euros)
Sales revenue from machine tools segment of DMG Mori AG by region 2018-2021
DMG Mori AG's sales revenue of the machine tools segment between 2018 and 2021, by region or country (in million euros)
Order intakes of DMG Mori AG by segments 2010-2021
DMG Mori AG's order intakes from 2010 to 2021, by segment (in million euros)
Trumpf Group - global revenue 2006/07-2020/21
Trumpf Group's global sales from FY 2006/07 to FY 2020/21 (in million euros)
Trumpf Group - revenue share by region 2021
Trumpf Group's revenue share in FY 2020/21, by region
Order intake of Trumpf Group 2011-2021
Trumpf Group's order intake between FY 2011/12 and FY 2020/21 (in billion euros)
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