Evgenia Koptyug
Research expert covering the German market
Detailed statistics
EU: digitalization level 2022, by country
Detailed statistics
Number of multi-purpose industrial robots produced Germany 2008-2023
Detailed statistics
Cost of cyberattacks in Germany and worldwide 2023
Opinions on digitalization in companies in Germany 2021
Do you view digitalization as more of a chance or risk for your company?
Opinions on consequences of digitalization in companies in Germany 2021
How do you assess the following statements about the consequences of digitalization for your company?
Opinions on digitalization in German companies 2018, by company size
Where does your company generally stand on the subject of digitalization?
DAX companies in Germany with a digital director 2018
Share of DAX companies in Germany with a digital director in the board of directors in 2018
Digital media literacy among apprentices in Germany 2019
On average, how do you assess the media literacy of your current apprentices at the start of their apprenticeship?
Preparing apprentices for work 4.0 in Germany 2019
How do you prepare your apprentices for the changes of work 4.0?
Digitalization impact on skilled labor businesses in Germany 2020
What kind of impact do you observe or expect in your business due to digitalization?
Assessment of employees' digital literacy in skilled labor businesses Germany 2020
Assessment of employees' digital literacy in skilled labor businesses in Germany in 2020
Opinions on the meaning of big data for chemical and pharma industries Germany 2018
What does the general increase of digital data mean for medium-sized chemical and pharmaceutical companies?
Opinions on digital technology relevance for daily work Germany 2018
Which of the following technologies are relevant in your daily work?
Opinions on digital technology knowledge at work in Germany 2018
What is your level of knowledge regarding the following technologies?
Opinions on new methods in daily work in Germany 2018
Which of the following work methods are relevant in your daily work?
Opinions on offer and use of new technologies and work methods Germany 2018
Which framework does your work environment offer to find out about new work methods, and to what extent do you use these?
Importance of different challenges for companies during digitalization Germany 2018
How important is the topic "workplace of the future" in your company compared to other challenges?
Opinions on chances for employees through new workplace and mobility Germany 2018
Which chances and advantages do you hope to gain as an employee from the new workplace and mobility concepts?
Technological challenges from new workplace concepts in companies Germany 2018
Which technological challenges arise for your company from the new workplace and mobility concepts?
Company assessment on workplace of the future development Germany 2018
How advanced is your company in terms of developing the workplace of the future, also compared to other companies?
Opinions on risk of new workplace and mobility concepts for employees Germany 2018
Which risks and disadvantages do the new workplace and mobility concepts include for you as an employee?
Share of job ads with digital skills listed as a requirement Germany 2018
Share of job ads with digital skills listed as a requirement in Germany in 2018, by type of skill
Share of jobs at risk of automation in Germany 2020-2030
Estimated share of jobs at potential high risk of automation by wave* in Germany until 2030
Share of jobs at risk of automation in Germany 2030, by industry
Estimated share of jobs at potential high risk of automation by industry in Germany until 2030
Opinions on future work division between people and robots Germany 2018
How are people and robots supposed to handle different task areas in the future?
Opinions on desired work division between people and robots France and Germany 2018
What would be your desired division of tasks or cooperation between people and robots?
Opinions on industry 4.0 meaning for companies Germany 2022
What does Industry 4.0 mean for your company?
Share of manufacturing companies using industrial robots Germany 2022
Share of companies in the manufacturing industry using industrial robots in Germany in 2020 and 2022, by number of employees
Estimated Industry 4.0 investment in industrial companies Germany 2019
Which estimated share of the total revenue will your company invest in Industry 4.0 this year?
Opinions on obstacles for Industry 4.0 in industrial companies Germany 2019
Which obstacles do you observe when using Industry 4.0 practices in your company?
Use of AI in industrial companies in Germany 2019
Do you use artificial intelligence in your company, in the context of Industry 4.0?
Opinions on AI advantages in industrial companies Germany 2019-2020
In your view, what are the most important advantages of artificial intelligence in the context of Industry 4.0?
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