Federica Laricchia
Research expert covering the global consumer technology industry
Detailed statistics
E-waste management market value worldwide 2022-2030
Detailed statistics
Countries covered by e-waste legislation worldwide 2014-2023
Detailed statistics
Leading ESG tech companies worldwide 2023
Global e-waste generation 2010-2022
Electronic waste generated worldwide from 2010 to 2022 (in million metric tons)
Global share of e-waste generation 2022, by type
Distribution of electronic waste generated worldwide in 2022, by type
Global e-waste generation 2022, by region
Generation of electronic waste worldwide in 2022, by region (in million metric tons)
E-waste management market value worldwide 2022-2030
Global electronic waste management market value in 2022 and 2023, with forecasts from 2024 to 2030 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global electronic waste imports 2023, by leading country
Imports of electrical and electronic waste and scrap in selected countries worldwide in 2023 (in 1,000 metric tons)
Global electronic waste exports 2023, by leading country
Exports of electrical and electronic waste and scrap in selected countries worldwide in 2023 (in 1,000 metric tons)
Leading ESG tech companies worldwide 2023
Ranking: Leading ESG tech companies worldwide in 2023, by ESG score
Brands perceived as most sustainable worldwide 2024
Leading brands worldwide in 2024, by sustainability perception value (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global firms view of emerging technologies impact on long-term sustainability 2024
Which of the following best describes your view of how emerging technologies could impact your organization’s long-term sustainability?
Emerging technologies impact on organizations sustainability strategy worldwide 2024
How can the adoption of emerging technologies (e.g., AI, automation, 5G, IoT) benefit your organization’s long-term sustainability strategy?
Impact of emerging technology on companies' sustainability worldwide 2023-2024
Expected impact of emerging technology on organizations' long-term sustainability worldwide in 2023 and 2024
Cloud cost refinement and sustainability prioritization globally 2024
Sustainability initiatives and cloud cost optimization worldwide in 2024
Sustainability initiatives and carbon footprint tracking of cloud usage global 2024
Does your organization have a defined sustainability initiative that includes carbon footprint tracking of cloud use?
Impact of sustainability concerns in deploying edge data centers worldwide 2023
To what extent have concerns around sustainability impacted your decision-making around edge deployments?
Share of data center operators recording sustainability metrics 2024, by metric
Share of data center owners and operators worldwide compiling and reporting data center metrics for corporate sustainability purposes 2024, by metric
Anticipated evolution of sustainable security practice adoption worldwide 2023
How will the adoption of green and low carbon security practices evolve in the industry in the next few years?
Challenges to adopting green and low carbon solutions in the security industry 2023
What can be challenges/barriers to adopting green and low carbon solutions in the security industry?
Security companies' views on sustainable practices worldwide 2023
How important is it for you to buy energy-saving/low-power consumption products to contribute to greener and low-carbon practices?
Security companies' familiarity with green and low carbon initiatives worldwide 2023
How familiar are channel players with green and low carbon initiatives for the security industry?
Global sustainable security products and solutions demand by companies' clients 2023
How often are clients asking for green products and solutions in your projects?
Used and refurbished smartphone market size 2023-2027
Size of the used and refurbished smartphone market worldwide in selected years in 2023 and 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Used and refurbished smartphone market size worldwide 2023-2027, by region
Size of the used and refurbished smartphone market in North America and the rest of the world in 2023 and 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Pre-owned smartphone shipments worldwide 2022-2027
Used and refurbished smartphone shipments worldwide in selected years from 2022 to 2027 (in millions of units)
Used smartphone shipments worldwide 2022-2027
Unit shipments of used smartphones in North America and the rest of the world in selected years from 2022 to 2027 (in millions)
Global refurbished PC market size 2022-2031
Size of the global refurbished PC market from 2022 to 2031 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Leading tech companies' electricity consumption worldwide 2023
Electricity consumption among leading tech companies worldwide in 2023, by company (in 1,000 megawatt hours)
Leading tech companies' generated waste worldwide 2023
Waste generated from leading tech companies worldwide in 2023, by company (in metric tons)
Leading tech companies' generated landfill waste worldwide 2023
Total landfilled waste among leading tech companies worldwide in 2023, by company (in metric tons)
Leading tech companies' total water withdrawal worldwide 2023
Total water withdrawal among leading tech companies worldwide in 2023, by company (in 1,000 cubic meters)
Leading tech companies' scope 1 GHG emissions worldwide 2023
Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions from leading tech companies worldwide in 2023, by company (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
Leading tech companies' scope 2 GHG emissions worldwide 2023
Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions from leading tech companies worldwide in 2023, by company (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
Leading tech companies' scope 3 GHG emissions worldwide 2023
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from leading tech companies worldwide in 2023, by company (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent)
Global data center average annual Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) 2007-2024
Data center average annual Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) worldwide from 2007 to 2024
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