Julia Stoll
Research expert covering TV and video media
Detailed statistics
Population watching TV daily in Norway 2009-2023
Detailed statistics
Average daily TV viewing time in Norway 2009-2023
Detailed statistics
Audience market share of selected TV channels in Norway 2023
Population watching TV daily in Norway 2009-2023
Share of population watching TV daily in Norway from 2009 to 2023
Average daily TV viewing time in Norway 2009-2023
Average daily television viewing time in Norway from 2009 to 2023 (in minutes)
Ranking of TV channel families in Norway 2023, by audience share
Ranking of TV channel families in Norway in 2023, by audience share
Audience market share of selected TV channels in Norway 2023
Audience market share of selected TV channels in Norway in 2023
Revenues of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation 2013-2023
Revenues of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK AS) from 2013 to 2023 (in billion NOK)
Distribution of Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation’s TV air time 2021, by genre
Distribution of Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation’s (NRK) TV channel air time in 2021, by genre of program
Audience share of the public service television channels in Norway 2009-2023
Audience share of the public service television channels in Norway from 2009 to 2023
Audience market share of the Norwegian TV station NRK1 2009-2023
Audience market share of the Norwegian TV station NRK1 from 2009 to 2023
Average daily reach of the Norwegian TV channel NRK1 2009-2021
Average daily reach of the Norwegian TV channel NRK1 from 2009 to 2021
Average daily reach of the Norwegian TV channel NRK2 2009-2021
Average daily reach of the Norwegian TV channel NRK2 from 2009 to 2021
Usage of traditional commercial TV channels weekly in the Nordics 2021
Share of individuals watching traditional TV on commercial channels weekly in selected Nordic countries in 2021
TV advertising spending in Norway 2009-2022
TV advertising spending in Norway from 2009 to 2022 (in million NOK)
Revenue of commercial broadcasters in Norway 2014-2019
Revenue of commercial radio and TV broadcasters in Norway from 2014 to 2019 (in million NOK)
Advertising revenue of commercial broadcasters in Norway 2014-2022
Advertising revenue of commercial radio and TV broadcasters in Norway from 2014 to 2022 (in million NOK)
Audience share of Norwegian TV station TV 2 Direkte 2009-2023
Audience share of Norwegian TV station TV 2 Direkte from 2009 to 2023
Audience share of Norwegian TV station TVNorge 2009-2021
Audience share of Norwegian TV station TVNorge from 2009 to 2021
Watching videos or TV on the internet per day in Norway 2010-2021
Share of individuals who watched movies, TV or video clips on the internet per day in Norway from 2010 to 2021
Share of individuals watching online linear TV daily in Norway 2023, by gender
Share of individuals watching online linear TV on an average day in Norway in 2023, by gender
Share of individuals watching online linear TV daily in Norway 2023, by age
Share of individuals watching online linear TV on an average day in Norway in 2023, by age group
Watching television TV2.no on an average day in Norway 2009-2020
Share of individuals who watched television on TV2.no on an average day in Norway from 2009 to 2020
Watching TV on NRK.no on an average day in Norway 2009-2020
Share of individuals who watched TV on NRK.no on an average day in Norway from 2009 to 2020
Number of TV sets sold in Norway 2006-2022
Number of TV sets sold in Norway from 2006 to 2022 (in 1,000s)
TV subscription revenue in Norway 2009-2021, by distribution platform
TV subscription revenue in Norway from 2009 to 2021, by distribution platform (in million NOK)
Number of TV subscriptions in Norway 2009-2020, by distribution platform
Number of TV subscriptions in Norway from 2009 to 2020, by distribution platform (in 1,000s)
Share of individuals receiving TV in Norway 2010-2021, by system
Share of individuals receiving TV in Norway from 2010 to 2021, by system
Population watching TV daily in Norway 2009-2023, by gender
Share of population watching TV daily in Norway from 2009 to 2023, by gender
Population watching television daily in Norway 2010-2023, by age
Share of population watching television daily in Norway from 2010 to 2023, by age group
Ranking of TV channels in Norway 2021, by daily reach
Ranking of TV channels in Norway in 2021, by daily reach
Distribution of live TV viewing time in Norway 2023, by genre
Distribution of live TV viewing time in Norway in 2023, by genre
Share of individuals watching traditional TV weekly in Norway 2017-2021
Share of individuals watching traditional TV weekly in Norway from 2017 to 2021
Average daily TV and online TV viewing time in Norway 2018-2023
Average daily television and broadcaster video-on-demand viewing time in Norway from 2018 to 2023 (in minutes)
Daily use of traditional TV and video streaming services in Norway 2023, by age
Share of daily traditional TV and video streaming consumers in Norway in 2023, by age group
Time spent watching linear TV before and during COVID-19 in Norway 2020
Average daily viewing time of linear television before and during the coronavirus pandemic in Norway from week 1 to 24, 2020 (in minutes)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (SGT)
Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 6:00pm (JST)
Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5pm (GMT)
Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)