Preeti Vankar
Junior Researcher
Detailed statistics
Public healthcare spending as share of GDP in the United Kingdom (UK) 2000-2023
Detailed statistics
NHS England resource spending in real terms 2014/15-2024/25
Detailed statistics
NHS providers in deficit in the UK 2021/22, by service
Healthcare expenditure in the UK 2000-2023
Total healthcare expenditure in the United Kingdom from 2000 to 2023 (In billion GBP)
Healthcare expenditure as a share of GDP in the UK 1980-2023
Total healthcare expenditure as a share of GDP in the United Kingdom from 1980 to 2023
Private healthcare expenditure in the UK 1997-2022
Private healthcare expenditure (including out-of-pocket and voluntary health insurance schemes) in the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2022 (in billion GBP)
Health expenditure per head in the United Kingdom 2012/13-2021/22, by country
Annual health expenditure per head in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2012/13 to 2021/22, by country (in British pounds)
Spending budget of the UK government 2024/25
Budgeted public sector expenditure on services in the United Kingdom in 2024/25, by function (in billion GBP)
Department of health and social care's spending in England 2007/08-2024/25
Department of Health and Social Care's total spending in real terms in England from 2007/08 to 2024/25 (in billion GBP)
NHS providers in deficit in the UK 2021/22, by service
Number of National Health Service (NHS) providers in deficit before impairment and transfers in the United Kingdom during 2021/22, by service
Public healthcare expenditure United Kingdom 1997-2022
Public/governmental healthcare expenditure in the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2022 (In billion GBP)
Public healthcare spending as share of GDP in the United Kingdom (UK) 2000-2023
Annual spending on public healthcare as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2000 to 2023
Governmental health expenditure UK 2021, by health function
Government-financed current healthcare expenditure in the United Kingdom in 2021, by health function (in million GBP)
Distribution of governmental health expenditure UK 2021, by health function
Distribution of government-financed current healthcare expenditure in the United Kingdom in 2021, by health function
Governmental health expenditure UK 2021, by provider
Government-financed current healthcare expenditure in the United Kingdom in 2021, by provider (in million GBP)
Distribution of governmental health expenditure UK 2021, by provider
Distribution of government-financed current healthcare expenditure in the United Kingdom in 2021, by provider
NHS operating income from patient care in the UK 2020/21
National Health service (NHS) operating income from patient care activities in the United Kingdom in 2020/21 (in million GBP)
NHS other operating income in the UK 2020/21
National Health Service (NHS) other operating income the United Kingdom in 2020/21 (in million GBP)
NHS total operating income in the UK 2019/20-2020/21
National Health Service (NHS) total operating income in the United Kingdom in 2019/20 and 2020/21 (in million GBP)
NHS total operating expenses in the UK 2020/21
National Health Service (NHS) total operating expenses in the United Kingdom in 2020/21 (in million GBP)
Human health and social work activities gross value added (aGVA) in the UK 2008-2022
Approximate gross value added (aGVA) of human health and social work activities in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2022 (in million GBP)
Purchases in human health and social activities in the United Kingdom 2008-2022
Purchases of goods, materials and services in human health and social work activities in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2022 (in million GBP)
Human health and social work activities: net capital expenditure in the UK 2008-2022
Total net capital expenditure in human health and social work activities in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2022 (in million GBP)
Social work activities for the elderly and disabled: purchases in the UK 2008-2022
Annual purchases in social work activities for the elderly and disabled in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2022 (in million GBP)
Social work activities for the elderly and disabled: Expenditure in the UK 2008-2022
Net capital expenditure in social work activities for the elderly and disabled in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2022 (in million GBP)
Turnover of residential care activities in the United Kingdom 2008-2022
Annual turnover of residential care activities in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2022 (in million GBP)
Health conditions that should be prioritized if the NHS had extra funds England 2018
Which of the following health conditions should receive funding if the NHS was given extra money?*
Public opinion: in favor of increasing taxes to fund NHS 2015-2019
Percentage of individuals in Great Britain who were in favor of increasing taxes to maintain NHS care and services in 2015, 2017 and 2019
Public opinion: concerns around problems facing the NHS in Great Britain in 2022
Which of the following issues facing the NHS, if any, are you most concerned about?
Public opinion: support for NIC tax increase UK 2021, by age and party affiliation
Share of individuals in the UK who supported the increase of National insurance Contributions (NIC) in 2021, by age and political affiliation
Public opinion: impact of raising NIC on the NHS UK 2021
Public opinion: impact of raising National insurance Contributions (NIC) on the NHS in the United Kingdom as of September 2021
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