Key insights
- Non-alcoholic drinks UK market size
- 19.8bn GBP

Detailed statistics
Soft drinks market value in the United Kingdom 2014-2023
- Non-alcoholic drinks UK export value
- 578.8m GBP

Detailed statistics
Non-alcoholic beverages: UK export value 2013-2023
- Non-alcoholic drinks UK import value
- 1.01bn GBP

Detailed statistics
Non-alcoholic beverages: UK import value 2013-2023
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Editor’s Picks
Current statistics on this topic
Recommended statistics
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks market value in the United Kingdom 2014-2023
- Premium Statistic Total soft drink consumption volume in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: Manufacturing turnover in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021
- Basic Statistic Non-alcoholic beverages: UK export value 2013-2023
- Basic Statistic Non-alcoholic beverages: UK import value 2013-2023
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks market value in the United Kingdom 2014-2023
Soft drinks market value in the United Kingdom 2014-2023
Value of the soft drinks market in the United Kingdom from 2014 to 2023 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Total soft drink consumption volume in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Total soft drink consumption volume in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Total consumption of soft drinks in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million liters)
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: Manufacturing turnover in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021
Soft drinks: Manufacturing turnover in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021
Annual turnover of soft drink and bottled water manufacturers in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2021* (in million GBP)
Basic Statistic
Non-alcoholic beverages: UK export value 2013-2023
Non-alcoholic beverages: UK export value 2013-2023
Value of non-alcoholic beverages exported from the United Kingdom (UK) from 2013 to 2023 (in 1,000 GBP)
Basic Statistic
Non-alcoholic beverages: UK import value 2013-2023
Non-alcoholic beverages: UK import value 2013-2023
Value of non-alcoholic beverages imported to the United Kingdom (UK) from 2013 to 2023 (in 1,000 GBP)
Soft drink sectors
- Premium Statistic Non-alcoholic beverages market share in the United Kingdom 2023
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: Market value of carbonates in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: Market value of fruit juice in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: Bottled water market value in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: Still and juice drink market value in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: Market value of dilutables in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Soft drink sectors
Premium Statistic
Non-alcoholic beverages market share in the United Kingdom 2023
Non-alcoholic beverages market share in the United Kingdom 2023
Market share of non-alcoholic beverages segments in the United Kingdom in 2023
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: Market value of carbonates in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Soft drinks: Market value of carbonates in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Value of the carbonated soft drinks market in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: Market value of fruit juice in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Soft drinks: Market value of fruit juice in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Value of the fruit juice market in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: Bottled water market value in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Soft drinks: Bottled water market value in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Value of the bottled water market in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: Still and juice drink market value in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Soft drinks: Still and juice drink market value in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Value of the still and juice drinks market in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: Market value of dilutables in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Soft drinks: Market value of dilutables in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Value of the dilutable soft drinks market in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million GBP)
Leading brands
- Premium Statistic Leading soft drinks in the United Kingdom 2023, by high street sales value
- Premium Statistic Leading soft drinks in the United Kingdom 2023, by high street sales volume
- Premium Statistic Leading carbonate brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024, by sales revenue
- Premium Statistic Leading juice brands in c-stores in the UK 2023, by sales revenue
- Premium Statistic Leading energy drink brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024, by sales revenue
- Premium Statistic Leading squash brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024
Leading brands
Premium Statistic
Leading soft drinks in the United Kingdom 2023, by high street sales value
Leading soft drinks in the United Kingdom 2023, by high street sales value
Leading soft drinks ranked by high street sales value in the United Kingdom in 2023 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Leading soft drinks in the United Kingdom 2023, by high street sales volume
Leading soft drinks in the United Kingdom 2023, by high street sales volume
Leading soft drinks ranked by high street sales volume in the United Kingdom in 2023 (in million liters)
Premium Statistic
Leading carbonate brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024, by sales revenue
Leading carbonate brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024, by sales revenue
Retail sales revenue of the leading carbonate brands in convenience stores in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2024 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Leading juice brands in c-stores in the UK 2023, by sales revenue
Leading juice brands in c-stores in the UK 2023, by sales revenue
Retail sales revenue of the leading juice brands in convenience stores in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2023 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Leading energy drink brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024, by sales revenue
Leading energy drink brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024, by sales revenue
Retail sales revenue of the leading energy drink brands in convenience stores in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2024 (in million GBP)
Premium Statistic
Leading squash brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024
Leading squash brands in convenience stores in the UK 2024
Retail sales revenue of the leading squash brands in convenience stores in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2024 (in million GBP)
Total consumption
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: Consumption of carbonated drinks in the United Kingdom 2013-2022
- Premium Statistic Fruit juice consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Basic Statistic Bottled water: Consumption volume in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Premium Statistic Soft drinks: still and juice drink consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
- Premium Statistic Total dilutable soft drink consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2022
Total consumption
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: Consumption of carbonated drinks in the United Kingdom 2013-2022
Soft drinks: Consumption of carbonated drinks in the United Kingdom 2013-2022
Consumption of carbonated soft drinks in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2022 (in million liters)
Premium Statistic
Fruit juice consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Fruit juice consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Total consumption of fruit juice in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million liters)
Basic Statistic
Bottled water: Consumption volume in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Bottled water: Consumption volume in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Total consumption of bottled water in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million liters)
Premium Statistic
Soft drinks: still and juice drink consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Soft drinks: still and juice drink consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2023
Consumption of still and juice drinks in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2023 (in million liters)
Premium Statistic
Total dilutable soft drink consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2022
Total dilutable soft drink consumption in the United Kingdom 2013-2022
Consumption of dilutable soft drinks in the United Kingdom from 2013 to 2022 (in million liters)
Per capita consumption
Per capita consumption
Premium Statistic
Non-alcoholic beverage consumption per capita in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2023
Non-alcoholic beverage consumption per capita in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2023
Per capita consumption of non-alcoholic beverages in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2012 to 2023 (in liters per capita)
Basic Statistic
Soft drinks consumption per capita in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2023
Soft drinks consumption per capita in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2023
Per capita consumption of soft drinks in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2010 to 2023 (in liters per capita)
Basic Statistic
Packaged water consumption per capita in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2023
Packaged water consumption per capita in the United Kingdom (UK) 2010-2023
Per capita consumption of packaged water in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2010 to 2023 (in liters per capita)
Consumer expenditure
Premium Statistic
Non-alcoholic drinks: Weekly UK household expenditure 2022, by gross income
Non-alcoholic drinks: Weekly UK household expenditure 2022, by gross income
Average weekly household expenditure on non-alcoholic drinks in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2022, by gross income decile group (in GBP)*
Premium Statistic
Non-alcoholic drinks: Weekly UK household expenditure in 2022, by place of purchase
Non-alcoholic drinks: Weekly UK household expenditure in 2022, by place of purchase
Average weekly household expenditure on non-alcoholic drinks in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2022, by place of purchase (in GBP)
Basic Statistic
Non-alcoholic drinks: UK consumer price index (CPI) 2003-2023
Non-alcoholic drinks: UK consumer price index (CPI) 2003-2023
Consumer price index (CPI) of non-alcoholic beverages in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2003 to 2023
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