Veera Korhonen
Research expert covering United States data for society
Detailed statistics
U.S. family households with children, by family type 1970-2022
Detailed statistics
U.S. monthly share of workers teleworking due to COVID-19 2020-2022
Detailed statistics
U.S. monthly inflation rate 2024
Average car insurance cost in the UK 2024, by age
Average car insurance cost in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2024, by age (in GBP)
Share of car loans transitioning into 90+ delinquency in the U.S. 2007-2023, by age
Share of car loans transitioning into serious delinquency (90+) in the United States from 2007 to 2023, by age
Age of campers in Germany 2024
Age of campers in Germany in comparison with the German population in 2024
Number of teen abortions in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age
Number of teen abortions in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age
Number of teen pregnancies in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age
Number of teen pregnancies in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age
Teenage abortion rates in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age
Abortion rates among teens in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age* (per 1,000 women)
Health-related absenteeism among full-time U.S. workers 2023-2024, by month and age
Percentage of full-time workers in the U.S. absent from work for health-related reasons from 2023 to 2024, by month and age
Teenage birth rates in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age
Birth rates among teens in the United States from 1973 to 2020, by age* (per 1,000 women)
Share of deaths from opioid overdose in the U.S. in 2022, by age
Distribution of opioid overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2022, by age
Cancer cases rate per 100,000 population in England 2021 by age and gender
Rate of newly diagnosed cases of cancer per 100,000 population in England in 2021, by age group and gender*
Number of habitants in Guadalajara in 2020, by group age and gender
Population of Guadalajara in 2020, by group age and gender (in thousands)
Number of habitants in Ciudad Juarez in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Ciudad Juarez in 2020, by group age and gender (in thousands)
Number of habitants in Chihuahua in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Chihuahua in 2020, by group age and gender (in thousands)
Number of habitants in Guanajuato in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Guanajuato in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Chiapas in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Chiapas in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1.000s)
Low HDL cholesterol in adults in the U.S. 2021-2023, by age group and gender
Prevalence of low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol among adults in the U.S. in August 2021-August 2023, by age group and gender
Number of habitants in Oaxaca in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Oaxaca in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Guerrero in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Guerrero in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Nuevo Leon in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Nuevo Leon in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1,000s)
Number of habitants in Durango in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Durango in 2020, by group age and gender (in thousands)
Number of habitants in Queretaro in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Santiago de Queretaro in 2020, by group age and gender (in thousands)
Number of habitants in Puebla in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Puebla in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Sonora in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Sonora in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Sinaloa in 2020, by group age and gender
Population in Sinaloa in 2020, by group age and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Baja California Sur in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Baja California Sur in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Morelos in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Morelos in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Queretaro in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Queretaro in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Tabasco in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Tabasco in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Aguascalientes in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Aguascalientes in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Campeche in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Campeche in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Coahuila in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Coahuila in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Colima in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Colima in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Hidalgo in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Hidalgo in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Michoacan in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Michoacan in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Nayarit in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Nayarit in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Quintana Roo in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Quintana Roo in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in San Luis Potosi in 2020, by age and gender
Population in San Luis Potosi in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Tamaulipas in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Tamaulipas in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Tlaxcala in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Tlaxcala in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Veracruz in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Veracruz in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Yucatan in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Yucatan in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Number of habitants in Zacatecas in 2020, by age and gender
Population in Zacatecas in 2020, by age group and gender (in 1.000s)
Average age of the Finnish population 2013-2023, by gender
Average age of the population of Finland from 2013 to 2023, by gender
England: distribution of individuals with type 2 diabetes 2023/24, by age
Distribution of people registered with type 2 diabetes in England in 2023/24, by age
Share of U.S. children and adolescents who had/have Long COVID 2022, by age
Percentage of children and adolescents in the United States who ever had Long COVID or currently have Long COVID in 2022, by age
Online news consumption rate in Brazil 2017-2023, by age group
Percentage of internet users reading online newspapers, magazines, and the news in Brazil from 2017 to 2023, by age group
Podcast listening frequency share in Brazil 2024, by age group
Distribution of podcast consumption frequency in Brazil as of February 2024, by age group
Music streaming frequency share in Brazil 2024, by age group
Distribution of music streaming frequency in Brazil as of February 2024, by age group
Total population Abu Dhabi September 2023, by age group
Total population in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates as of September 2023, by age group
Population breakdown Abu Dhabi September 2023, by age group
Population breakdown in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates as of September 2023, by age group
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