Aaron O'Neill
Research lead for society, economy, and politics: Europe & global
Detailed statistics
Degree of urbanization 2023, by continent
Detailed statistics
Share of the world's population living in urban or rural areas 1960-2023
Detailed statistics
Urbanization: largest cities throughout history 7000BCE-2022
Degree of urbanization 2023, by continent
Share of urban population worldwide in 2023, by continent
Global megacity populations 2023
Largest urban agglomerations worldwide in 2023, by population (in 1,000s)
Countries with the lowest rural population rates worldwide 2022
Ranking of the 20 countries with the lowest rural population rates worldwide in 2022
Countries with the highest rural population rates worldwide 2022
Ranking of the 20 countries with the highest rural population rates worldwide in 2022
Distribution of urban areas globally 2023, by continent
Distribution of built-up areas with population of 500,000 and over worldwide in 2023, by region
Share of urban areas globally 2023, by country
Share of built-up areas with population of 500,000 and over in selected countries worldwide in 2023
Largest megacities worldwide 2023, by land area
Major urban areas worldwide in 2023, by land area (in square kilometers)
Cities with the highest population density globally 2023
Cities with the highest population density worldwide in 2023 (in inhabitants per square km)
Global population density by region 2021
Population density worldwide in 2021 by region (in inhabitants per square km)
Share of the world's population living in urban or rural areas 1960-2023
Share of the world's population living in urban or rural areas from 1960 to 2023
Urbanization: largest cities throughout history 7000BCE-2022
Population estimates for the world's largest city in the year it took this title (as well as the current location) from 7000 BCE until 2022 CE
Urbanization rates in China, Japan, and Western Europe in selected years 1000-2020
Share of the population living in towns of more than 10,000 people in China, Japan, and Western Europe in selected years between 1000 and 2020
Estimates of Europe's urbanization rate 1300-1850
Estimates of the share of Europe's population living in towns of more than 5,000 and 10,000 people in selected years between 1300 and 1850
Western Europe: urbanization rate by country 1500-1890
Share of the population living in towns of more than 10,000 people in selected countries of Western Europe in years between 1500 and 1890
Urbanization in the United States 1790 to 2050
Degree of urbanization in the United States from 1790 to 2020, and with projections until 2050
Urbanization rates various countries or regions 1800
Share of the population living in towns of more than 10,000 people in selected countries or regions in the year 1800
Urbanization rates in various countries or regions of Europe 1800
Share of the population living in towns of more than 10,000 people in selected European countries or regions in the year 1800
Urbanization in select European countries 1913-1990
Share of inhabitants living in cities in select European countries or regions in 1913 and 1990
Change in the rural population of Eastern Europe 1950-1973, by country
Share of the population living in an agricultural setting in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union between 1950 and 1973
Change in urbanization worldwide, by region 1950-2050
Population living in urban areas worldwide from 1950 to 2050, by region (in millions)
Urbanization rate of the population worldwide, by regional development 1950-2050
Percentage of population living in urban areas worldwide from 1950 to 2050, by regional development
Urbanization rate of the worldwide, by development status 1950-2050
Percentage of population living in urban areas worldwide from 1950 to 2050, by country income groups
Historical population of global megacities 1950-2020
Population of the largest urban agglomerations worldwide from 1950 to 2020 (in millions)
Change in urbanization worldwide, by urban area size 1975-2035
Population living in urban areas worldwide from 1975 to 2035, by urban area size (in millions)
Countries with the largest projected urban population in 2050
Top twenty countries worldwide with the largest projected urban population in 2050 (in millions)
Countries with the largest projected rural population in 2050
Top twenty countries worldwide with the largest projected rural population in 2050 (in millions)
Countries with largest increase in urban population until 2050
Top ten countries worldwide with the largest projected increase in the urban population between 2018 and 2050 (in millions)
Top 10 countries with projected decline in rural population by 2050
Top ten countries worldwide with the largest projected decline in the rural population between 2018 and 2050 (in millions)
Top 10 most populous megacities worldwide in 2030
Projected population living in the top ten megacities in 2030 (in thousands)
Global megacity population projection 2035
Population of the largest urban agglomerations worldwide in 2035 (in 1,000s)
Urban population living in slums worldwide 2000-2020, by region
Number of people living in slums worldwide from 2000 to 2020, by region (in millions)
Global urban and rural drinking water coverage 2022, by water source
Drinking water coverage of urban and rural populations worldwide in 2022, by water source
Most congested city centers in the world 2023
The world's most traffic jam prone city centers as of 2023 (based on longer travel time relative to uncongested traffic)
Pollution index score of megacities APAC 2024, by city
Pollution index score of selected megacities in the Asia-Pacific region in 2024, by city
Climate risks in cities globally between 2020-2050
Leading climate hazards in cities worldwide between 2020 and 2050, by time period
Urban passenger mobility demand worldwide 2050
Urban passenger mobility demand worldwide between 2015 and 2050 (in billion passenger kilometers)
Global waste generation per person outlook 2050, by region
Projected waste generation per capita worldwide in 2050, by region (in kilograms per day)
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Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm (EST)