The chemical industry is an important part of the global economy. It converts raw materials into a wide range of products central to modern life and generates an
of almost 5.7 trillion U.S. dollars globally. In terms of revenue, the chemical industry in Europe is second only to Asia. Despite a decrease in participation in the past decade - due to increasing competition from emerging markets and rising energy costs in the region - Europe accounted for a 22.2 percent
Chemical sales and trade in Europe
The European Union generated almost 655.3 billion euros in chemical sales in 2023, whereas the rest of Europe registered a
chemical revenue of slightly over 206.9 billion euros. Within the region, the German chemical industry is by far the largest, with a revenue that surpassed 225.5 billion euros in 2023. The France and Poland were the second and third
largest markets for Europe's chemicals sales that year.
A large part of the European Union's chemical revenue comes from exports. The European Union is, in fact, the largest chemical-exporting region worldwide. In 2023, the EU exported approximately 225.1 billion euros worth of chemicals and registered a
trade surplus of roughly 35 billion euros.
Specialty and consumer chemicals contributed the most to the region’s trade surplus, whereas petrochemicals and basic inorganic chemicals experienced a trade deficit that year.
Leading European chemical companies
Europe is home to some of the
leading chemical companies globally. BASF, headquartered in Ludwigshafen, Germany, is the largest chemical company worldwide based on sales. In 2023, the German company
generated a revenue of over 68.9 million euros and had more than 111 thousand
employees. Other major chemical companies headquartered in Europe include LyondellBasell Industries, Linde, Umicore, and Air Liquide.
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