Evgenia Koptyug
Research expert covering the German market
Detailed statistics
Population of Germany 2023, by age group
Detailed statistics
Workaholics and family-oriented generations in Germany 2024
Detailed statistics
GenZ and Millennials: employment status in Germany in 2022
Number of residents in Germany 2023, by generation
Number of residents in Germany in 2023, by generation (in millions)
Population of Germany 2023, by age group
Population of Germany in 2023, by age group (in millions)
Gender distribution in Germany 2023, by age group
Population distribution in Germany as of December 31, 2023, by age group and gender
Societal challenges facing Generation Z worldwide and in Germany in 2022
Which societal challenges cause you the most worry?
Number of abortions in Germany 2013-2023, by age group
Number of abortions in Germany from 2013 to 2023, by age group
Number of crime suspects in Germany 2022, by age group
Number of crime suspects in Germany in 2022, by age group
Most likeable political parties Germany 2024, by generation
Most likeable political parties in Germany in 2024, by generation
Values and attitude to life in Germany 2024, by generation
Share of respondents that agreed that the following values and attitudes towards life are important and desirable in Germany in 2024, by generation
Generations in Germany 2021, by household ownership of financial investments
Generations in Germany in 2021, by household ownership of financial investments
Acquisition and interest in investments by Generations Y and Z Germany 2022
Acquisition and interest in sustainable investments among Generations Y and Z in Germany in 2022
Leading financial information sources for Generation Y in Germany 2022
Leading information sources for Generation Y on the topic of finance in Germany in 2022
GenZ and Millennials: employment status in Germany in 2022
Employment status of GenZ and Millennials in Germany in 2022
Reasons GenZ and millennials chose their workplace Germany 2022
Important workplace qualities for GenZ and millennials in Germany in 2022
Generations in Germany in 2024, by leisure activities pursued often or occasionally
Generations in Germany in 2024, by leisure activities pursued frequently or occasionally
Young people going to discos and clubs in Germany 2021, by frequency
Share of young people going to discos and clubs in Germany in 2021, by frequency
Young people exercising in Germany 2021, by frequency
Share of young people exercising in Germany in 2021, by frequency
Regular book consumption of teenagers in Germany 2002-2024
Share of teenagers who read books daily or several times a week in Germany from 2002 to 2024
Print media usage of teenagers in Germany 2004-2024
Share of teenagers who used the following types of media daily or several times a week in Germany from 2004 to 2024
Media and devices used by teenagers to watch TV in Germany 2019-2021
Which media and devices did you use for watching TV in the last 14 days?
Favorite television channels of teenagers in Germany 2024
What is your favorite television channel?
Radio usage frequency of teenagers in Germany 2024, by age group
How often do you listen to the radio?
Generations in Germany 2021, by technical affinity and knowledge
Share of respondents that agreed with the following statements about technical affinity and knowledge in Germany in 2021, by generation
Favorite entertainment brands among men aged 15-25 in Germany 2023
Favorite entertainment brands among men aged 15 to 25 in Germany in Octobe 2023
Favorite entertainment brands among women aged 15-25 in Germany 2023
Favorite entertainment brands among women aged 15 to 25 in Germany in October 2023
Gen Z attitudes to online advertising in Germany in 2023
Attitudes to online advertising by Gen Z in Germany in 2023
Generations in Germany 2021, by devices used to go online
Generations in Germany in 2021, by devices used to go online in the last 12 months
Communication activities of teenagers on the internet in Germany 2023-2024
Which of the following online activities do you do every day or multiple times a week?
Germany Instagram users 2025, by age and gender
Distribution of Instagram users in Germany as of January 2025, by age group and gender
Germany Facebook users 2025, by age and gender
Distribution of Facebook users in Germany as of January 2025, by age group and gender
Leading social networks for shopping in Germany 2023, by generation
Most popular social media platforms for shopping in Germany in the 2nd quarter of 2023, by generation
Consumers who bought an item on social media in Germany 2022, by generation
Share of shoppers who had purchased a product directly from a social media platforms in Germany in 4th quarter 2022, by generational cohort
Consumers influenced by social media influencers in Germany 2022, by generation
Share of consumers whose buying decisions were influenced by social media influencers in Germany in 2022, by generational cohort
People who are buying more secondhand to reduce costs worldwide 2022, by generation
Share of people who are buying more secondhand products to cut costs worldwide as of September 2022, by generation
Generations in Germany 2021, by shopping behavior and brand awareness
Share of respondents that agreed with the following statements about shopping, consumption and brands in Germany in 2021, by generation
Generations in Germany 2021, by frequency of ordering online
Generations in Germany in 2021, by online order frequency within the last 12 months
Generations in Germany in 2021, by opinions on nutrition and food
Share of respondents that agreed with the following statements about nutrition and food in Germany in 2021, by generation
Share of shoppers buying groceries online in Germany 2023, by generation
Share of shoppers buying groceries online in Germany in the 2nd quarter 2023, by generational cohorts
Germany: Generational share of the overall & sustainable food & drinks market in 2022
Market share of generations in the overall and sustainable food & non-alcoholic beverage market in Germany in 2022
Germany: Generational share of the sustainable food & drinks market in 2022 and 2027
Market share of generations in the sustainable food & non-alcoholic beverage market in Germany in 2022 and 2027
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