Erick Burgueño Salas
Research expert covering climate change and the water industry
Detailed statistics
G20 green spending share 2020-2021, by sector
Detailed statistics
REPowerEU vis-a-vis Fit for 55 clean energy targets in the EU 2030
Detailed statistics
Key energy components to achieve 1.5°C target globally 2050
Spending plans for energy transition in Germany August 2023
Climate and Transformation Fund budget planned for energy transition in Germany as of August 2023 (in billion euros)
People who agree that the energy transition tackles climate change in Europe 2024
Share of respondents who agree that the transition from fossil fuels to renewables helps to tackle climate change in selected European countries in 2024
IRA's clean energy and climate spending in the United States 2022-2031, by sector
Estimated clean energy and climate funding in the Inflation Reduction Act in the United States from 2022 to 2031, by category (in million U.S. dollars)
Climate change measures' effect on the job market in CEE 2023, by country
Climate change measures' effect on the job market in selected Central and Eastern European countries in 2023
Willingness to adopt measures to fight climate change among French people 2023
Would you be ready to adopt the following measures to combat climate change?
Relevance of climate change policy in Germany 2023
What relevance does climate policy have for you in comparison to other policy areas?
Main concerns in the impact of renewable energy transition Philippines 2024
Leading concerns on the impact of transition to renewable energy or cutting fossil fuels in the Philippines as of August 2024
Opinion on the energy transition to fight climate change in the EU27 2023, by country
Share of people who have switched to an energy supplier which offers renewable sources as an action to tackle climate change in the European Union in 2023, by country
Renewable energy consumption targets in the EU 2030, by sector
Renewable energy consumption targets in the Renewable Energy Directive in the European Union for 2030, by sector
Countries with lowest energy transition index worldwide 2023
Global countries ranked by lowest Energy Transition Index score in 2023
Climate change measures' effect on purchasing power in CEE 2023, by country
What impact do you think the measures adopted by your country to fight climate change and protect the environment will have on your purchasing power?
Climate change measures' effect on quality of life in CEE 2023, by country
What impact do you think the measures adopted by your country to fight climate change and protect the environment will have?
Opinion on government action on climate Australia 2024 by political affiliation
Opinion on government action on climate change in Australia in 2024, by political affiliation
Lifestyle changes for climate action in the past year Philippines 2024
Lifestyle changes made for the sake of climate action in the past year in the Philippines as of August 2024
Energy transition index ranking of African countries 2024, by global position
Energy Transition Index (ETI) ranking of African countries in 2024, by position in global ranking
Global energy transition index 2024, by select country
Energy Transition Index (ETI) of select countries worldwide in 2024
Opinion on the support for clean energy transition in the U.S. 2024, by idealogy
Share of people who support the transition of the U.S. economy from fossil fuels to 100 percent clean energy by 2050, as of 2024, by political view
Global share of investments in energy transition 2023, by technology
Distribution of investments in the energy transition worldwide in 2023, by technology
Global energy transition investments 2023, by technology
Investments in the energy transition worldwide in 2023, by technology (in billion U.S. dollars)
Incentives to encourage more action against climate change worldwide 2024
Public opinion on incentives to encourage more action against climate change in selected countries worldwide in 2024
Opinion on renewable energy transition in Australia 2024
Opinion on the renewable energy transition in Australia in 2024
Global energy transition investments 2023, by leading country
Investments in the energy transition worldwide in 2023, by leading country (in billion U.S. dollars)
Investments in energy transition worldwide 2004-2023
Investments in energy transition technologies worldwide from 2004 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Challenges currently impacting the energy transition 2023, by region
In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges currently impacting the energy transition?
French people's perception of who could take action against climate change 2023
For each of the following actors, would you say they have the ability to make progress in the fight against global warming?
Environmental protection spending in Russia 2023, by category
Corporate spending on environmental protection in Russia in 2023, by category (in billion Russian rubles)
Energy saving measures in residential areas in Hungary 2024
In the last five years, were any measures undertaken in the place you live in to reduce its energy consumption?
Environmental protection spending to GDP ratio South Korea 2012-2021
Environmental protection expenditures (EPE) in relation to GDP in South Korea from 2012 to 2021
Opinions on environmental and climate protection commitment in Germany 2022
Are the following players in Germany doing enough for environmental and climate protection?
Opinion on government action on climate change Australia 2024
Public opinion on government action on climate change in Australia in 2024
Public trust in government action against climate change in the UK 2022-2024
Confidence level regarding government action against climate change in the United Kingdom from October 2022 to November 2024
Key energy components to achieve 1.5°C target globally 2050
Status quo and necessary growth of key energy components for reaching 1.5°C target worldwide between 2020 and 2022, and in 2030 and 2050
Energy transition index score in Ghana 2024, by sub-indices
Energy transition index score in Ghana as of 2024, by sub-indices
Public perception of climate change SEA 2024
Public perception of climate change in Southeast Asia in 2024
Experts energy transition policy priorities South Korea 2021
Priorities within the energy transition policy among experts in South Korea in 2021
How Dutch shoppers pressured companies to take action on climate change 2024
Consumer behavior Gen Z and millennial shoppers in the Netherlands exhibit to pressure companies to take action against climate change in 2024
Opinion on insulating housing to fight climate change in the EU27 2023, by country
Share of people who have insulated their homes better to reduce energy consumption as an action to tackle climate change in the European Union in 2023, by country
Opinion on direct action protests related to climate change in the UK 2023
Public opinion on direct action protests related to climate change in the United Kingdom in 2023
Energy transition index in CEE 2023, by country
Energy Transition Index (ETI) in Central and Eastern Europe in 2023, by country
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in France 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in France in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Italy 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Italy in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Spain 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Spain in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Argentina 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Argentina in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in the UK 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in the United Kingdom in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate mitigation policies in the U.S. 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in the U.S. in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Norway 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Norway in 2022, by type
Knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in the Netherlands 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in the Netherlands in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Germany 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Germany in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate mitigation policies in Mexico 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Mexico in 2022, by type
Prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Canada 2022, by type
Percentage of respondents with prior knowledge of climate change mitigation policies in Canada in 2022, by type
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