Einar H. Dyvik
Research expert covering Nordics and global data for society, economy, and politics
Detailed statistics
Unemployment rate among women in the Nordic countries 2013-2023, by country
Detailed statistics
Unadjusted gender pay gap in the Nordic countries 2010-2021, by country
Detailed statistics
Gender gap index in the European Union 2024
Most gender equal countries in the world 2022
Most gender equal countries in the world in 2022
The global gender gap index 2024
The global gender gap index 2024
Population in the Nordic countries 2024, by gender
Population in the Nordic countries in 2024 (in millions), by gender
Death rate in the Nordic countries 2023, by gender
Deaths per 1,000 inhabitants in the Nordic countries in 2023, by gender
Unemployment rate among women in the Nordic countries 2013-2023, by country
Unemployment rate among women in the Nordic countries from 2013 to 2023, by country
Educational attainment of women in Nordics 2022
Educational attainment of women in Nordic countries in 2022
Prime ministers in the Nordic countries by gender 2023
Number of prime ministers in the Nordic countries by gender as of August 2023
Employment-to-population ratio among women in the Nordic countries 2012-2022
Employment-to-population ratio among women in the Nordic countries from 2012 to 2022, by country
Economically inactive population in the Nordics 2022, by gender
Economically inactive population in the Nordic countries in 2022, by gender
Employment growth forecast in the Nordics 2021-2026, by gender
Employment growth forecast in the Nordic countries from 2021 to 2026, by gender
Number of employed people in Denmark 2023, by industry and gender
Number of employed people in Denmark in 2023, by industry and gender (in thousands)
Number of employed people in Iceland 2022, by industry and gender
Number of employed people in Iceland in 2022, by industry and gender
Number of employed people in Norway 2022, by industry and gender
Number of employed people in Norway in 2022, by industry and gender (in 1000's)
Number of employed people in Sweden 2022, by industry and gender
Number of employed people in Sweden in 2022, by industry and gender (in thousands)
Unadjusted gender pay gap in the Nordic countries 2010-2021, by country
Unadjusted annual gender pay gap in the Nordic countries from 2010 to 2021, by country
Average monthly salary in the public and private sector Denmark 2021, by gender
Average monthly salary in the public and private sector in Denmark in 2021, by gender (in DKK)
Average monthly earnings in Finland 2013-2023, by gender
Average monthly earnings in Finland from 2013 to 2023, by gender (in euros)
Women's and men's average earnings in leadership positions in Iceland 2022
Average monthly earnings of men and women in leadership positions in Iceland in 2022, by profession (in 1,000 ISK)
Average monthly salary in the public and private sector Norway 2022, by gender
Average monthly salary in the public and private sector Norway in 2022, by gender (in NOK)
Monthly salary in Sweden 2022, by gender and class
Monthly salary in Sweden in 2022, by gender and class (in SEK)
Share of young women leaving early from education in Nordics 2011-2021
Share of young women leaving early from education in Nordic countries from 2011 to 2021
Graduation rates among women in upper secondary education in Nordics 2010-2020
Share of women below 25 years expected to graduate from upper secondary education in Nordic countries from 2010 to 2020
Distribution of bachelor students in Denmark 2012-2022, by gender
Distribution of bachelor students in Denmark from 2012 to 2022, by gender
Number of university students in Finland in 2023, by gender and university
Number of students registered at university in Finland for the academic year 2023, by gender and university
Number of university students in Iceland 2011-2022, by gender
Number of university students in Iceland from 2011 to 2022, by gender
Number of students in higher education in Norway 2013-2023, by gender
Number of students in higher education in Norway from 2013 to 2023, by gender
Enrollment in higher education in Sweden 2010-2022, by gender
Enrollment in higher education in Sweden from 2010 to 2022, by gender
Prime ministers in the Nordic countries 1980-2023, by gender
Number of prime ministers instated in the Nordic countries from 1980 to 2023, by gender
Share of women in the Parliament in Denmark 1990-2022
Share of women in the Parliament in Denmark from 1990 to 2022
Share of women in the Parliament of Finland 1983-2023
Share of women in the Parliament of Finland from 1983 to 2023
Share of women in the Icelandic Parliament 1974-2021
Share of women in the Icelandic Parliament from 1974 to 2021
Share of women in the Norwegian Parliament 1945-2021
Share of women in the Norwegian Parliament from 1945 to 2021
Share of women in the Parliament of Sweden from 1991-2022
Share of women in the Parliament of Sweden from 1991 to 2022
Share of women that have experienced sexual harassment in European countries 2020
Would you say you have ever been sexually harassed by a man?
Share of women who are afraid of sexual abuse in Denmark 2013-2021
Share of women who are afraid of sexual abuse in Denmark from 2013 to 2021
Thoughts about most important gender issues for women in Sweden 2022
Which issues do you think are the most important facing women and girls in Sweden?
At-risk-of-poverty rate in Nordic countries 2022, by country and gender
At-risk-of-poverty rate in Nordic countries in 2022, by country and gender
Households in Denmark 2014-2024, by type of household
Number of households in Denmark from 2014 to 2024, by type of household
Nuclear families in Iceland 2013-2023, by type of family
Nuclear families in Iceland from 2013 to 2023, by type of family
Population in Norway 2023, by type of household and gender
Population in Norway in 2023, by type of household and gender
Population in Sweden 2022, by type of household and gender
Population in Sweden in 2022, by type of household and gender
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