Percentage of adults with an unmet medical need due to cost U.S. 2017, by MSA status

Percentage of adults who had an unmet medical need due to cost in the past 12 months in the U.S. in 2017, by metropolitan statistical area status*

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Release date

December 2019


United States

Survey time period


Number of respondents

19,408 respondents

Age group

18-64 years

Method of interview

Computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI)

Supplementary notes

* Percentages are adjusted for age, sex, race and Hispanic ethnicity, health insurance status, poverty level, state Medicaid expansion status, and health status. A usual place to go for medical care does not include a hospital emergency room.
Original questions:“The following questions are about the use of health care. Do not include dental care. During the past 12 months, [have you delayed seeking medical care/has medical care been delayed for anyone in the family] because of worry about the cost?” and “During the past 12 months, was there any time when [you/someone in the family] needed medical care, but did not get it because [you/the family] couldn’t afford it?”
MSA: metropolitan statistical area. Large MSA: population of 1 million or more. Small MSA: population of less than 1 million.

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